You must record the following information on the Licensing Incident/Illness Report Form 7239 or another form that contains at least the same information:
(1) An injury to a child in care that required medical treatment by a health-care professional or hospitalization;
(2) An illness that required the hospitalization of a child in care;
(3) An incident where a child in care had an emergency anaphylaxis reaction that required administration of an unassigned epinephrine auto-injector;
(4) An incident of a child in care or employee contracting a communicable disease deemed notifiable by the Texas Department of State Health Services as specified in 25 TAC Chapter 97, Subchapter A (relating to Control of Communicable Diseases); and
(5) Any other non-routine situation that placed, or may have placed, a child at risk for injury or harm, such as forgetting a child in an operation's vehicle or not preventing a child from wandering away from the operation unsupervised.
Source Note: The provisions of this §744.701 adopted to be effective September 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 7469; transferred effective March 9, 2018, as published in the Texas Register February 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 909; amended to be effective April 25, 2021, 46 TexReg 2435; amended to be effective October 25, 2021, 46 TexReg 7216; amended to be effective March 1, 2023, 48 TexReg 921