If you do not meet the minimum management or supervisory experience in §745.8919(a) of this division (relating to What qualifies as one year of experience in management or supervision of personnel and programs required for a full Child-Care Administrator's License (CCAL) or full Child-Placing Agency Administrator's License (CPAAL)?), you will qualify for a provisional CCAL if:
(1) You meet the requirements in §745.8915(1), (2), and (4) of this division (relating to How do I qualify for a full Child-Care Administrator's License (CCAL)?);
(2) You have six months of full-time experience in management or supervision of personnel as specified in §745.8927 of this division (relating to What qualifies as six months of experience in management or supervision of personnel required for a provisional Child-Care Administrator's License (CCAL)?); and
(3) We have not denied you a full CCAL for an issue identified in §745.9037(a) of this subchapter (relating to Under what circumstances may Licensing take remedial action against my administrator's license or administrator's license application?) while you had a provisional CCAL.
Source Note: The provisions of this §745.8925 adopted to be effective October 19, 2023, 48 TexReg 5977