(a) A complete application to become a licensed administrator must include:
(1) A completed application form;
(2) A transcript or letter of verification from the appropriate educational institutions to substantiate your educational qualifications;
(3) Two professional references that verify your professional skills, character, and if applicable, two years of full-time work experience;
(4) An employer reference that documents your one year of management or supervisory experience as described in §745.8919 of this subchapter (relating to What qualifies as one year of experience in management or supervision of personnel and programs required to qualify for a full Child-Care Administrator's License (CCAL) or a full Child-Placing Agency Administrator's License (CPAAL)?);
(5) An application fee of $100;
(6) A notarized affidavit documenting background information on a form provided by Licensing; and
(7) A completed background check request form and background check fee.
(b) If you are applying for a full CCAL and do not meet the one year of management or supervisory experience required in §745.8915(3) of this subchapter (relating to How do I qualify for a full Child-Care Administrator's License (CCAL)?), you may qualify for a provisional CCAL. To apply for a provisional CCAL, your application must include an employer reference that describes your six months of management or supervisory experience as required in §745.8927 of this subchapter (relating to What qualifies as six months of experience in management or supervision of personnel required for a provisional Child Care Administrator's License (CCAL)?).
(c) A complete application submitted by any applicant who applies for an administrator's license under §745.8913(a) of this subchapter (relating to Can my licensure in another state qualify me for an administrator's license?) must also include, as applicable:
(1) Documentation related to each administrator's license currently held outside of Texas; and
(2) A copy of the regulations pertaining to the current out-of-state administrator's license.
(d) A military spouse with a license in another state seeking to act as an administrator must complete the application as required by §745.9030 of this subchapter (relating to When may a military spouse with a license in another state act as an administrator without a license under this subchapter?).
(e) Your application is incomplete if you fail to complete any requirement of this section, as applicable, including inadequate documentation of your qualifications.
Source Note: The provisions of this §745.8933 adopted to be effective March 1, 2002, 27 TexReg 965; amended to be effective January 1, 2007, 31 TexReg 9342; amended to be effective March 1, 2014, 38 TexReg 8249; amended to be effective March 1, 2016, 41 TexReg 1123; transferred effective July 15, 2019, as published in the June 14, 2019 issue of the Texas Register, 44 TexReg 2963; amended to be effective January 23, 2022, 47 TexReg 152; amended to be effective October 19, 2023, 48 TexReg 5977