Daily activities for a pre-kindergarten age child must include at least the following:
(1) Opportunities for outdoor play, weather permitting, as specified in §746.2206 of this chapter (relating to What specific activities must I include in a written activity plan?);
(2) Opportunities for thinking skills and sensory development. Examples of age-appropriate equipment or activities include sand and water play, blocks, framed puzzles with up to 30 pieces, variety of large stringing beads, and simple board games;
(3) Opportunities for small-muscle development. Examples of age-appropriate equipment or activities include large non-toxic crayons, markers, paint, water colors and various size brushes, adjustable easels, collage materials, chalkboard and chalk, clay or dough and tools, workbench and accessories, round end scissors, glue and paste, different types of music and videos, rhythm instruments, and fingerplays;
(4) Opportunities for large-muscle development. Examples of age-appropriate equipment or activities include small wagons, light-weight balls of all sizes, small wheelbarrows, tricycles, push toys, swings, slides, climbing equipment, balance beam, hanging bars, and outdoor building materials;
(5) Opportunities for moderate to vigorous active play, both indoors and outdoors, as specified in §746.2206 of this chapter. Examples of age-appropriate equipment or activities include active games such as tag and hot potato, dancing and creative movement to music and singing, simple games and dramatic or imaginary play that encourages running, stretching, climbing, walking and marching;
(6) Opportunities for language development. Examples of age-appropriate equipment or activities include flannel board stories, puppets, and variety of storybooks, writing materials, and stories on tape;
(7) Opportunities for social and emotional development. Examples of age-appropriate equipment or activities include dress-up clothes and accessories, mirrors, dolls, simple props for different themes, puppets, transportation toys, play animals, and table games; and
(8) Opportunities to develop self-help skills such as toileting, hand washing, returning equipment to storage areas or containers, and serving and self-feeding.
Source Note: The provisions of this §746.2607 adopted to be effective September 1, 2003, 28 TexReg 1402; amended to be effective December 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 10238; amended to be effective April 15, 2017, 42 TexReg 1575; transferred effective March 9, 2018, as published in the Texas Register February 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 909; amended to be effective March 10, 2021, 46 TexReg 1479