(a) If your operation is a residential treatment center, you must post the "No Trespassing" signs required by subsections (b) and (c) of this section.
(b) You may create your own "No Trespassing" signs or use the ones we provide you, but the signs must:
(1) State that entry to the property is forbidden;
(2) Include a description of the provisions of §30.05, Penal Code, including the penalties for violating §30.05, Penal Code;
(3) Include the name and address of the person under whose authority the notice is posted, unless your operation provides trafficking victim services under Subchapter V of this chapter (relating to Additional Requirements for Operations that Provide Trafficking Victim Services);
(4) Be written in English and Spanish; and
(5) Be at least 8-1/2 by 11 inches in size.
(c) You must post the "No Trespassing" signs in the following places:
(1) Parallel to and along the exterior boundaries of the grounds;
(2) For grounds not fenced, at least every 500 feet along the exterior boundaries of the grounds;
(3) At each roadway or other way of access to the grounds;
(4) At each entrance to the grounds; and
(5) In conspicuous places reasonably likely to be viewed by intruders.
Source Note: The provisions of this §748.3319 adopted to be effective December 21, 2022, 47 TexReg 8115