(a) Applicability. This section governs:
(1) A reorganization, merger, or consolidation transaction in which the resulting institution will be a savings bank; and
(2) A purchase and assumption transaction by a savings bank as purchaser.
(b) Non-Applicability. This section does not govern:
(1) the conversion of a savings bank into another type of financial institution charter, or a reorganization, merger, or consolidation transaction that otherwise results in a savings bank reorganizing into, or merging or consolidating with, a financial institution that is not a savings bank, which is governed by section §75.143 of this tile (relating to Reorganization, Merger or Conversion by a Savings Bank to Another Financial Institution Charter); or
(2) the conversion by a financial institution that is not a savings bank into a savings bank, which is governed by section §75.144 (relating to Conversion into a Savings Bank).
(c) Plan Required. Any savings bank seeking to reorganize, merge, and/or consolidate or to engage in a purchase and assumption transaction in which the resulting institution will be a savings bank must do so pursuant to a plan adopted by the board and filed with the Commissioner as a part of an application for approval. Purchase and assumption transactions include purchases of assets, deposit accounts, or other liabilities in bulk not made in the ordinary course of business.
(d) Application Required. The application for approval of the plan must contain: proof that the plan was adopted by the board of each institution involved; documentation showing that the plan has been approved by each institution by a majority of the members or shareholders entitled to vote on the plan; a statement that the corporate continuity of the resulting institution will possess the same incidents as that of a savings bank which has converted in accordance with the Texas Savings Bank Act; and a statement identifying the home office of the resulting institution. A true and correct copy of the plan, as adopted, must be filed as part of the application. All documents and their contents must be subscribed and sworn to before a notary.
(e) Public Notice. An applicant seeking reorganization, merger, consolidation, conversion, purchase and assumption, or acquisition must publish a public notice of the plan and application as provided by §75.103 of this title (relating to Public Notice of Application), which must be published in each county in which a financial institution participating in the plan has its home office. Such notice, when properly effected, is deemed to be the Commissioner's public notice of the plan and application for purposes of Finance Code §92.352.
(f) Request for Hearing; Deadline to Protest. Any interested person desiring to protest the plan and application or otherwise request a hearing on the plan and application must file a written protest with the Department within 10 days from the date the public notice was made as provided by subsection (e) of this section, otherwise any right or opportunity to protest or have a hearing on the application under Finance Code §92.352 is deemed waived.
(g) Hearing. If a hearing is required, the Commissioner will set a hearing on the plan and application within 60 days after the date the protest or request for hearing and the required fee are received, unless the Commissioner determines that the provisions set forth in §75.142 of this title (relating to Exemption for Supervisory Merger) apply, and the merger is designated as a supervisory merger for purposes of Finance Code §92.352(e). The hearing is governed by the procedural requirements concerning contested cases set forth in Government Code Chapter 2001 and Chapter 9 of this title (relating to Rules of Procedure for Contested Case Hearings, Appeals, and Rulemakings).
(h) Time of Decision. To the extent a hearing on the plan and application is required, the Commissioner will render a decision within 30 days after the hearings officer issues his or her proposal for decision and the applicable time period for filing exceptions to the proposal for decision and replies to such exceptions has lapsed without the hearings officer amending the proposal for decision. If a hearing on the plan and application is not required, the Commissioner will render a decision within 30 days after the time period for requesting a hearing on the plan and application lapsed as provided by subsection (f) of this section, unless the Commissioner establishes a longer time period, with written notice to the applicant.
(i) Transactions Involving Financial Institutions in Other States or Territories. To the extent permitted by the laws of the state or territory in question, and subject to the requirements of this section, a savings bank may acquire, by merger or purchase of stock, a financial institution incorporated under the laws of another state or territory. Each such application must include a certified copy of an order from the appropriate state regulatory authority approving the merger or acquisition, or other evidence satisfactory to the Commissioner that all state or territorial regulatory requirements have been satisfied. The Commissioner will not approve such an application unless the Commissioner determines that all requirements of this section have been met, and all applicable requirements of the laws of the state or territory in question have been met.
Source Note: The provisions of this §75.141 adopted to be effective November 20, 2022, 47 TexReg 7535