(a) A savings bank may originate, invest in, sell, purchase, service, participate, or otherwise deal in (including brokerage or warehousing) loans or participations subject to the requirements of the Texas Savings Bank Act, and this subchapter, including:
(1) residential real estate loans, including loans on the security of leasehold interests in residential real estate;
(2) home improvement loans;
(3) manufactured home loans,;
(4) interim construction loans;
(5) other real estate loans, including loans on the security of leasehold interest in real estate;
(6) personal property loans;
(7) commercial real estate loans, including loans on the security of leasehold interest in real estate;
(8) non-real estate commercial loans;
(9) loans fully secured by savings accounts owned or otherwise pledged for or by the borrower;
(10) unsecured loans; and
(11) loans which are insured or guaranteed by the United States or any instrumentality thereof.
(b) Parity. A savings bank may purchase or commit to purchase any loan it could make if it were incorporated and operating as a federal savings bank domiciled in this state, so long as for each such transaction the savings bank complies with all applicable regulations governing such activities by federal savings banks. However, all such loans must be documented in accordance with the applicable requirements of this chapter.
Source Note: The provisions of this §75.302 adopted to be effective November 20, 2022, 47 TexReg 7535