(a) Persons who are licensed, registered, or accredited under this chapter shall, as applicable:
(1) adhere to the code of ethics prescribed by §78.72;
(2) comply with work practices and procedures of this chapter;
(3) present to the department or the department's representative upon request any identification card, credential, or certificate issued by the department or the department's representative or designee;
(4) comply with the requirements of §1958.155 of the Act (relating to Conflict of Interest; Disclosure Required);
(5) maintain insurance coverage required under §78.40 while engaging in mold-related activities regulated under this chapter;
(6) comply with the recordkeeping responsibilities under §78.74;
(7) cooperate with department personnel and representatives or designees of the department in the discharge of their official duties, as described in §78.85; and
(8) notify the department of the following changes no later than the indicated time period after such changes occur, on a department-approved form in a manner specified by the department:
(A) withdrawal of licensed mold remediation contractor or licensed mold remediation company from association with a mold remediation project- five calendar days.
(B) addition of licensed mold remediation company to association with a mold remediation project- one calendar day.
(C) change in mailing address or telephone number- 30 calendar days.
(D) change of persons who have an ownership interest of 10% or more in a person licensed or accredited under this chapter, including additions to or deletions from any list of such persons previously supplied to the department and any changes in the names, addresses, or occupations of any persons on such a list- 30 calendar days.
(E) addition or deletion of a responsible person- 30 calendar days.
(b) All individuals who are required to be licensed or registered under this chapter must have a valid department-issued identification card, credential, or certificate, as applicable, present at the worksite when engaged in mold-related activities.
(c) The licensee overseeing mold-related activities, with the exception of activities performed by a mold analysis laboratory, must ensure that a client and the property owner (or the property owner's designee), if not the same, are provided a copy of the department Consumer Mold Information Sheet (CMIS).
(1) The licensee shall provide the CMIS on the earlier of:
(A) the first contact with the client, potential client, or property owner or designee of the property owner, or
(B) at least one calendar day before the initiation of any mold-related activity.
(2) In an emergency as described in §78.110(e), the licensee shall ensure that the Consumer Mold Information Sheet is provided to the client and the property owner (or the property owner's designee), if not the same, as soon as practicable but not later than the following calendar day after the licensee identifies the emergency.
(d) Credentialed persons are responsible for determining whether the mold-related activities in which they will engage require additional credentials beyond those required under this chapter.
(e) No person shall sell, assign, or transfer a credential, identification card, certificate, or approval issued under this chapter. A person shall obtain a new credential or approval after the transfer of a person that is not an individual before activities requiring a credential or approval under this chapter may be conducted.
(f) The individual that is designated by a licensed mold assessment company or mold remediation company as its responsible person shall not be the responsible person for another licensee with the same category of license.
(g) Consumer complaint information.
(1) A licensed or accredited person shall notify each client of the department's name, web address, mailing address, and telephone number for the purpose of directing complaints to the department.
(2) The information shall be displayed on written documents provided by the credentialed person to a client, property owner, or third party, including mold assessment reports and protocols, mold remediation work plans, bids, estimates, contracts, bills for service, and information brochures.
(h) Office requirement. A person licensed under this chapter must maintain an office in Texas. An individual employed by a person licensed under this chapter is considered to maintain an office in Texas through that employer.
Source Note: The provisions of this §78.70 adopted to be effective November 1, 2017, 42 TexReg 4619; amended to be effective September 1, 2018, 43 TexReg 5207