(a) A family leave pool is established to provide state employees more flexibility. It is available to employees who have exhausted their eligible compensatory, discretionary, sick, and vacation leave because of:
(1) the birth of a child;
(2) the placement of a foster child or adoption of a child under 18 years of age;
(3) the placement of any person 18 years of age or older requiring guardianship;
(4) a serious illness including pandemic-related illness;
(5) an extenuating circumstance created by an ongoing pandemic, including providing essential care to a family member; or
(6) a previous donation to the pool.
(b) The Agency's Director of Human Resources is designated as the pool administrator.
(c) The pool administrator will recommend a policy, operating procedures, and forms for the administration of this section for approval by the Agency's Executive Director.
(d) Operation of the pool shall be consistent with Texas Government Code, Chapter 661.
Source Note: The provisions of this §800.151 adopted to be effective May 2, 2022, 47 TexReg 2565