(a) A person may only apply for a tax refund related to wages paid while the person's employee was covered by health care coverage in accordance with §800.554(3) of this subchapter and the cost of coverage was paid in full or in part by the person.
(b) A person may convey, assign, or transfer a refund under this subchapter to another person only if:
(1) the employing unit is sold, conveyed, assigned, or transferred, in the same transaction or in a related transaction, to the person to whom the refund is conveyed assigned, or transferred; or
(2) the person to whom the refund is conveyed, assigned, or transferred:
(A) is subject to a tax administered by the comptroller and deposited to the credit of the state General Revenue Fund without dedication; and
(B) directly or indirectly owns, controls, or otherwise directs, in whole or in part, an interest in the person from whom the refund is conveyed, assigned, or transferred.
Source Note: The provisions of this §800.557 adopted to be effective November 24, 2022, 47 TexReg 7748