(a) Definitions. The following words and terms when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Area of substantial unemployment--As defined in WIA §127(b)(2)(B) (29 U.S.C.A. §2852(b)(2)(B)) and WIA §132(b)(1)(B)(v)(III) (29 U.S.C.A. §2862(b)(1)(B)(v)(III)).
(2) Disadvantaged adult--As defined in WIA §132(b)(1)(B)(v)(IV) (29 U.S.C.A. §2862(b)(1)(B)(v)(IV)).
(3) Disadvantaged youth--As defined in WIA §127(b)(2)(C) (29 U.S.C.A. §2852(b)(2)(C)).
(b) Scope and Authority. Funds available to the Commission under Title I of WIA for youth activities, adult employment and training activities, and dislocated worker employment and training activities shall be allocated to workforce areas or reserved for statewide activities in accordance with:
(1) the provisions of prior consistent state law as authorized by WIA §194(a)(1)(A) (29 U.S.C.A. §2944(a)(1)(A)), including but not limited to Texas Labor Code §302.062, as amended, and Subchapter B of this title (relating to Allocations and Funding);
(2) the WIA and related federal regulations as amended; and
(3) the WIA State Plan.
(c) Reserves and Allocations for Youth and Adult Employment and Training Activities. The Commission shall reserve no more than 15% and shall allocate to workforce areas at least 85% of the youth activities and adult employment and training activities allotments from the United States Department of Labor.
(d) Reserves and Allocations for Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities. The Commission shall allocate the dislocated worker employment and training allotment in the following manner:
(1) reserve no more than 15% for statewide workforce investment activities;
(2) reserve no more than 25% for state level rapid response and additional local assistance activities and determine the proportion allocated to each activity; and
(3) allocate at least 60% to workforce areas.
(e) State Adopted Elements, Formulas, and Weights. The Commission shall implement the following elements, formulas, and weights adopted for Texas in the WIA State Plan in allocating WIA funds to workforce areas.
(1) WIA adult employment and training activities funds not reserved by the Commission under §800.63(c) of this section shall be allocated to the workforce areas as provided in WIA §132(b)(1)(B) and §133(b)(2) (29 U.S.C.A. §2863(b)(2)) based on the following:
(A) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment in each workforce area, compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment in the State;
(B) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative excess number of unemployed individuals in each workforce area, compared to the total excess number of unemployed individuals in the State; and
(C) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of disadvantaged adults in each workforce area, compared to the total number of disadvantaged adults in the State.
(2) WIA dislocated worker employment and training activities funds not reserved by the State under §800.63(d) of this section shall be allocated to the workforce areas as provided in WIA §133(b)(2) (29 U.S.C.A. §2863(b)(2)) based on the following factors:
(A) insured unemployment;
(B) average unemployment;
(C) Worker Adjustment and Retaining Notification Act (29 U.S.C.A. §2101 et seq.) data;
(D) declining industries;
(E) farmer-rancher economic hardship; and
(F) long-term unemployment.
(3) WIA youth activities funds not reserved by the Commission under §800.63(c) of this section shall be allocated to the workforce areas as provided in WIA §128(b)(2) (29 U.S.C.A. §2853(b)(2)) based on the following:
(A) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment in each workforce area, compared to the total number of unemployed individuals in all areas of substantial unemployment in the State;
(B) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative excess number of unemployed individuals in each workforce area, compared to the total excess number of unemployed individuals in the State; and
(C) 33 1/3 percent on the basis of the relative number of disadvantaged youth in each workforce area, compared to the total number of disadvantaged youth in the State.
(f) In making allocations of WIA formula funds, the Commission will apply hold harmless procedures, as set forth in federal regulations (20 CFR 667.135).
(g) No more than 10% of the funds expended as part of a workforce area's allocation shall be used for administrative costs, as defined by federal regulations and Commission policy.
(h) Reserved Funds. The Commission shall make available the funds reserved under §§800.63(c) and 800.63(d)(1) of this section to provide required and, if funds are available, allowable statewide activities as outlined in WIA §§129 and 134 (29 U.S.C.A. §§2854 and 2864).
(i) The Commission may allocate such proportion of available WIA Alternative Funding for Statewide Activities as it determines appropriate, utilizing a distribution methodology that is based on the proportionality of all amounts of WIA formula funds allocated during the same program year, as well as an equal base amount.
(j) The Commission may allocate such amounts of available WIA Alternative Funding for Statewide Activities as funding for One-Stop Enhancements, as it determines appropriate.
(k) Expenditure Level for Statewide Activity Funding. A Board shall demonstrate an 80 percent expenditure level of prior year WIA allocated funds in order to be eligible to receive WIA Alternative Funding for Statewide Activities and WIA Alternative Funding for One-Stop Enhancements. The Commission may reduce the amount of WIA Alternative Funding for Statewide Activities and WIA Alternative Funding for One-Stop Enhancements if a Board fails to achieve an 80 percent expenditure level of prior year WIA formula allocated funds.
Source Note: The provisions of this §800.63 adopted to be effective September 12, 2000, 25 TexReg 9014; amended to be effective August 23, 2004, 29 TexReg 8148