Sec. 802.2015. FUNDING SOUNDNESS RESTORATION PLAN. (a) In this section:
(1) "Funded ratio" has the meaning assigned by Section 802.2011.
(2) "Governmental entity" has the meaning assigned by Section 802.1012.
(b) This section applies to a public retirement system and its associated governmental entity other than a public retirement system and its associated governmental entity subject to Section 802.2016.
(c) A public retirement system shall notify the associated governmental entity in writing if the system receives an actuarial valuation indicating that the system's actual contributions are not sufficient to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liability within 30 years. The governing body of the public retirement system and the governing body of the associated governmental entity shall jointly formulate a funding soundness restoration plan under Subsection (e) if the system's actuarial valuation shows that the system's expected funding period:
(1) has exceeded 30 years for three consecutive annual actuarial valuations, or two consecutive annual actuarial valuations in the case of a system that conducts the valuations every two or three years; or
(2) effective September 1, 2025:
(A) exceeds 40 years; or
(B) exceeds 30 years and the funded ratio of the system is less than 65 percent.
(d) Except as provided by Subsection (d-1), the governing body of a public retirement system and the governing body of the associated governmental entity that have an existing funding soundness restoration plan under Subsection (e) shall formulate a revised funding soundness restoration plan under Subsection (e-1) if the system becomes subject to Subsection (c) before the 10th anniversary of the date prescribed by Subsection (e)(2)(A) or (B), as applicable.
(d-1) The governing body of a public retirement system and the governing body of the associated governmental entity are not subject to Subsection (d) if:
(1) the system's actuarial valuation shows that the system's expected funding period exceeds 30 years but is less than or equal to 40 years; and
(2) the system is:
(A) adhering to an existing funding soundness restoration plan that was formulated before September 1, 2025; or
(B) implementing a contribution rate structure that uses or will ultimately use an actuarially determined contribution structure and the system's actuarial valuation shows that the system is expected to achieve full funding.
(e) A funding soundness restoration plan formulated under this section must:
(1) be developed by the public retirement system and the associated governmental entity in accordance with the system's governing statute;
(2) be designed to achieve a contribution rate that will be sufficient to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liability within 30 years not later than the later of:
(A) the second anniversary of the valuation date stated in the actuarial valuation that required formulation of the plan under this subsection; or
(B) September 1, 2025;
(3) be based on actions agreed to be taken by the system and entity that were approved by the respective governing bodies of both the system and the entity before the plan was adopted; and
(4) be adopted at open meetings of the respective governing bodies of the system and the entity not later than the second anniversary of the date the actuarial valuation that required application of this subsection was adopted by the governing body of the system.
(e-1) A revised funding soundness restoration plan formulated under this section must:
(1) be developed by the public retirement system and the associated governmental entity in accordance with the system's governing statute;
(2) be designed to achieve a contribution rate that will be sufficient to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liability within 25 years not later than the second anniversary of the valuation date stated in the actuarial valuation that required formulation of a revised plan under this subsection;
(3) be based on actions, including automatic risk-sharing mechanisms, an actuarially determined contribution structure, and other adjustable benefit or contribution mechanisms, agreed to be taken by the system and entity that were approved by the respective governing bodies of both the system and the entity before the plan was adopted; and
(4) be adopted at open meetings by the respective governing bodies of the system and the entity not later than the second anniversary of the date the actuarial valuation that required application of this subsection was adopted by the governing body of the system.
(e-2) Not later than the 90th day after the date on which the plan is adopted by both the governing body of the system and the governing body of the associated governmental entity, a system may submit to the board an actuarial valuation required under Section 802.101(a) or other law that shows the combined impact of all changes to a funding soundness restoration plan adopted under this section, including a revised funding soundness restoration plan adopted under Subsection (e-1). If a system does not provide an actuarial valuation to the board in accordance with this subsection, the board may request that the system provide a separate analysis of the combined impact of all changes to a funding soundness restoration plan adopted under this section not later than the 90th day after the date the board makes the request. An actuarial valuation or separate analysis conducted under this subsection must include:
(1) an actuarial projection of the public retirement system's expected future assets and liabilities between the valuation date described by Subsection (e)(2)(A) or (e-1)(2), as applicable, and the date at which the plan is expected to achieve full funding; and
(2) a description of all assumptions and methods used to perform the analysis which must comply with actuarial standards of practice.
(e-3) The associated governmental entity may pay all or part of the costs of the separate analysis required under Subsection (e-2). The public retirement system shall pay any costs for the analysis not paid by the associated governmental entity.
(e-4) A funding soundness restoration plan adopted under this section, including a revised funding soundness restoration plan adopted under Subsection (e-1), may not include actions that are subject to future approval by the governing bodies of either the public retirement system or the associated governmental entity.
(f) A public retirement system and the associated governmental entity required to formulate a funding soundness restoration plan under this section, including a revised funding soundness restoration plan, shall provide a report to the board on progress made by the system and entity in formulating the plan, including a draft of any plan and a description of any changes under consideration for inclusion in a plan, not later than the first anniversary of the date of the actuarial valuation that required formulation of the plan under Subsection (e) or (e-1) and each subsequent six-month period until the plan is submitted to the board under this section.
(g) Each public retirement system that formulates a funding soundness restoration plan as provided by this section shall submit a copy of that plan to the board and any change to the plan not later than the 31st day after the date on which the plan is adopted by both the governing body of the system and the governing body of the associated governmental entity or the date the change is agreed to.
(h) The board may adopt rules necessary to implement this section.
Added by Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 940 (H.B. 3310), Sec. 5, eff. June 18, 2015.
Amended by:
Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1033 (H.B. 3898), Sec. 4, eff. September 1, 2021.