
Sec. 8282.155. Fire Department.

Sec. 8282.155. FIRE DEPARTMENT. (a) The district may establish, operate, and maintain a fire department to perform all firefighting activities in the district and may issue bonds and impose taxes to pay for the department and the activities, as authorized by Section 59(f), Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Section 49.351, Water Code. For purposes of this chapter, a reference in Section 49.351, Water Code, to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality or the executive director of the commission means the city council of the city.

(b) The city has the superior right to provide the degree of firefighting services the city considers to be in the city's best interests.

Added by Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. 1139 (H.B. 2619), Sec. 1.04, eff. April 1, 2011.

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