The following words and terms when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Babel notice--As defined by 29 CFR §38.4(i), a short notice included in a document or electronic medium (for example, website, app, email) in multiple languages informing the reader that the communication contains vital information and explaining how to access language services to have the contents of the communication provided in other languages.
(2) Beneficiary--An individual or individuals intended by Congress to receive aid, benefits, services, or training from a recipient.
(3) Complainant--An individual alleging a violation of WIOA §188 (29 USCA §3248) or 29 CFR Part 38.
(4) CRC--The Civil Rights Center of the US Department of Labor (DOL).
(5) EO Officer--The individual responsible for coordinating a recipient's responsibilities under the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA §188 (29 USCA §3248) and 29 CFR Part 38.
(6) NDP--The Nondiscrimination Plan developed by the Agency and described in 29 CFR Part 38.
(7) Recipient--Any entity to which financial assistance under WIOA Title I is extended directly from DOL, through the governor or through another recipient (including any successor, assignee, or transferee of a recipient), but excluding the ultimate beneficiaries of the WIOA Title I--funded services or activities. The term "recipient" includes, but is not limited to, Boards; workforce area grant recipients; one-stop operators; service providers, including eligible training providers; and employers that provide on-the-job training. One-stop partners (Workforce Solutions Office partners) are also considered recipients to the extent that they participate in the one-stop delivery system. A complete definition of "recipient" can be found in 29 CFR §38.4(zz). When used in this subchapter, the term "recipient" does not include the Commission or Agency.
(8) Respondent--A grant applicant or recipient (including the governor) against which a complaint has been filed under the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA §188 (29 USCA §3248) or 29 CFR Part 38.
(9) Service provider--As defined in 29 CFR §38.4, any operator or provider of WIOA aid, benefits, services, or training when used in this subchapter, does not include one-stop operators.
(10) Small recipient--A recipient that serves a total of fewer than 15 beneficiaries during the entire grant year and employs fewer than 15 employees on any given day during the grant year.
Source Note: The provisions of this §842.2 adopted to be effective January 4, 2021, 46 TexReg 202