(a) Summary. The purpose of these rules is to govern the flexible benefits program. These rules constitute the Plan document for the State of Texas Employees Flexible Benefit Program (TexFlex). The flexible benefits plan (the plan) includes reimbursement account arrangements with optional benefits available for selection by participants as described in the plan and these rules. The plan is intended to be qualified under the Internal Revenue Code (the Code), §125, as amended from time to time, and is intended to continue as long as it qualifies under §125 and is advantageous to the state and institutions of higher education employees. Optional benefits offered under the plan for individual selection consist only of a choice between cash and certain statutory nontaxable fringe benefits as defined in the Code, §125, and regulations promulgated under the Code, §125. The plan may also include separate benefits as defined in the Code, §132, and regulations promulgated under the Code, §132, separate from the cafeteria plan, and governed by individual plan documents.
(b) Applicability of rules.
(1) These rules are applicable only to employees as defined in these rules, and terminated employees, as described in §85.3(b)(1)(B) and (C) of this title (relating to Eligibility and Participation).
(2) An employee who retired or separated from employment prior to September 1, 1988, shall not be entitled to benefits under the provisions of the plan and these rules, unless the employee is rehired and then becomes eligible for benefits.
(c) Definitions. The following words and terms when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, and wherever appropriate, the singular includes the plural, the plural includes the singular, and the use of any gender includes the other gender.
(1) Act--The state law that authorized the establishment of a flexible benefits plan and is designated in the Texas Insurance Code, Chapter 1551, as amended.
(2) Account--A record keeping account established by the Employees Retirement System of Texas or its designee in the name of each participant for the purpose of accounting for contributions made to the account and benefits paid to a participant.
(3) Active duty--The expenditure of time and energy in the service of an employer as defined in these rules. An employee will be considered to be on active duty on each day of a regular paid vacation or on a non-work day, on which the employee is not disabled, if the employee was on active duty on the last preceding work day.
(4) Board of trustees--The board of trustees of the Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS).
(5) Code--The Internal Revenue Code, as amended from time to time.
(6) Compensation--A participant's base salary, including amounts that would otherwise qualify as compensation but are not received directly by the participant pursuant to a good faith, voluntary, written or electronic salary reduction agreement in order to finance payments to a deferred compensation or tax sheltered annuity program specifically authorized by state law or to finance benefit options under this plan, plus longevity and hazardous duty pay and including non-monetary compensation, the value of which is determined by the Employees Retirement System of Texas, but excluding overtime pay.
(7) Debit Card--A bank issued convenience card or similar technology approved by the plan administrator and permitted to be used by participants as an optional method to pay for eligible transactions. Use of the card is governed by the plan administrator and issuing financial institution. The card is referred to as the Flex Debit Card.
(8) Dependent--An individual who qualifies as a dependent under the Code, §152, and when applicable taking into account the Code, §105, or any individual who is:
(A) except as provided by §85.6(b)(3) of this title, a dependent of the participant who is under the age of 13 and with respect to whom the participant is entitled to an exemption under the Code, §151, or, is otherwise, a qualifying individual as provided in the Code, §21; or
(B) a dependent or spouse of the participant who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself.
(9) Dependent care reimbursement account--The bookkeeping account maintained by the plan administrator or its designee used for crediting contributions to the account and accounting for benefit payments from the account.
(10) Dependent care reimbursement plan--A separate plan under the Code, §129, adopted by the board of trustees, and designed to provide payment or reimbursement for dependent care expenses as described in §85.5(c) of this title (relating to Benefits).
(11) Dependent care expenses--Expenses incurred by a participant which:
(A) are incurred for the care of a dependent of the participant;
(B) are paid or payable to a dependent care service provider or to the participant as reimbursement for such expenses; and
(C) are incurred to enable the participant to be gainfully employed for any period for which there are one or more dependents with respect to the participant. Dependent care expenses shall not include expenses incurred for the services outside the participant's household for the care of a dependent, unless such dependent is a dependent under the age of 13 (or through age 14 as provided by §85.6(b)(3) of this title) with respect to when the participant is entitled to a tax deduction under the Code, §151, or a dependent who is physically or mentally incapable of self support. In the event that the expenses are incurred outside the dependent's household, the dependent must spend at least eight hours each day in the participant's household. Dependent care expenses shall be deemed to be incurred at the time the services to which the expenses relate are rendered.
(12) Dependent care service provider--A person or a dependent care center (as defined in the Code, §21) who provides care or other services described in the definition of "dependent care expenses" in this section, but shall not include:
(A) a related individual described in the Code, §129; or
(B) a dependent care center which does not meet the requirements of the Code, §21.
(13) Effective date of the plan--September 1, 1988.
(14) Election form--A paper or electronic form provided by the Employees Retirement System of Texas that is an agreement by and between the employer and the participant, entered into prior to an applicable period of coverage, in which the participant agrees to a reduction in compensation for purposes of purchasing benefits under the plan.
(15) Eligible employee--An employee who has satisfied the conditions for eligibility to participate in the plan in accordance with the plan and §85.3(a)(1), and (b)(1) of this title (relating to Eligibility and Participation), and, to the extent necessary, a retired or terminated employee who is entitled to benefit payments under the plan.
(16) Employee--A person who is eligible to participate in the Texas Employees Group Benefits Program as an employee.
(17) Employer--The State of Texas, its agencies, commissions, institutions of higher education, and departments, or other governmental entity whose employees are authorized to participate in the Texas Employees Group Benefits Program.
(18) Expenses incurred--Expenses for services received or performed and for which the participant is legally responsible.
(19) Executive director--The executive director of the Employees Retirement System of Texas.
(20) Flexible benefit dollars--The dollars available to a participant which may be used for purposes of purchasing benefits under the plan.
(21) General purpose health care reimbursement account--The account described in §85.5(b)(1).
(22) Grace period--A two (2) month and 15 day period, adopted by the TexFlex plan pursuant to IRS Notice 2005-42, immediately following the end of the plan year during which participants may continue to incur expenses for reimbursement from the prior year account balance. The grace period does not apply to a health care reimbursement plan year that begins on or after September 1, 2014, but does apply to the dependent care reimbursement plan, except as limited by §85.6(b)(2) of this title.
(23) Health care expenses--Any expenses incurred by a participant, or by a spouse or dependent of such participant, for health care as described in or authorized in accordance with the Code, §105 and §213, but only to the extent that the participant or other person incurring the expense is not reimbursed for the expense by insurance or other means. The types of expenses include, but are not limited to, amounts paid for hospital bills, doctor bills, prescription drugs, hearing exams, vision exams, and eye exams.