(a) If a vehicle is removed by the vehicle owner or authorized representative within 24 hours after the VSF receives the vehicle, notification as described in subsections (b) - (j) does not apply.
(b) The registered owners and lien holders of a vehicle accepted at a VSF shall be notified in the following manner.
(1) If a vehicle is registered in Texas, the VSF shall notify the vehicle's registered owner and primary lien holder by certified mail, return receipt requested, registered, or electronic certified mail, within five days, but no sooner than within 24 hours of receipt of the vehicle.
(2) If a vehicle is not registered in Texas, the VSF shall notify the vehicle's registered owner and all recorded lien holders within 14 days, but no sooner than within 24 hours of receipt of the vehicle.
(c) The operator of a VSF shall send the notice required by subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2) to an address obtained by mail or electronically from:
(1) The governmental entity responsible for maintaining the motor vehicle title and registration database for the state in which the vehicle is registered; or
(2) A private entity authorized by the governmental entity to obtain title, registration, and lienholder information using a single vehicle identification number search obtained through a secure access portal to the government entity's motor vehicle records.
(d) Notification has occurred when the United States Postal Service places its postmark and is timely if:
(1) the postmark indicates that the notice was mailed within the period described by subsection (b); or
(2) the notice was published as provided by subsection (f).
(e) If a VSF sends a notice required under this section after the time mandated by subsections (b)(1) or (b)(2):
(1) The deadline for sending any subsequent notice is based on the date that notice was actually sent to the vehicle owner and any lien holders;
(2) A VSF may not charge the daily storage fee permissible under Tex. Occ. Code §2303.155(b)(3) until 24 hours after it has sent the notice required under this section.
(f) Notice required under this section may be completed by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the vehicle is stored if:
(1) the vehicle is registered in another state;
(2) the VSF submits to the governmental entity that is responsible for maintaining the motor vehicle title and registration database for the state in which the vehicle is registered, or to a private entity that is authorized by the governmental entity to access title, registration, or lienholder information, a written or electronic request for information relating to the identity of the registered owner and any lienholder of record.
(3) If mailed, such requests shall be correctly addressed, with sufficient postage, and sent by certified mail, return receipt requested or electronic certified mail, to the governmental entity with which the vehicle is registered requesting information relating to the identity of the last known registered owner and any lienholder of record.
(4) the identity of the registered owner cannot be determined;
(5) the registration does not contain an address for the registered owner; or
(6) the operator of the storage facility cannot reasonably determine the identity and address of each lienholder.
(g) Notice by publication is not required if each notice sent in accordance with this Section is returned because:
(1) the notice was unclaimed or refused; or
(2) the person to whom the notice was sent moved without leaving a forwarding address.
(h) Only one notice is required to be published for an abandoned nuisance vehicle.
(i) All mailed notifications must be correctly addressed; mailed with sufficient postage; and sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, registered, or electronic certified mail.
(1) All mailed notifications shall state:
(A) the full licensed name of the VSF where the motor vehicle is located, its street address and telephone number, and the hours the vehicle can be released to the vehicle owner;
(B) the daily storage rate, the type and amount of all other charges assessed, and the statement, "Total storage charges cannot be computed until vehicle is claimed. The storage charge will accrue daily until vehicle is released";
(C) the first date for which a storage fee is assessed;
(D) the date the vehicle will be transferred from the VSF and the address to which the vehicle will be transferred if the operator will be transferring a vehicle to a second lot because the vehicle has not been claimed within a certain time;
(E) the date the vehicle was accepted for storage and from where, when, and by whom the vehicle was towed;
(F) the VSF license number preceded by the words "Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Vehicle Storage Facility License Number" or "TDLR VSF Lic. No.";
(G) a notice of the towed vehicle owner's right under the Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 2308, to challenge the legality of the tow involved; and
(H) the name, mailing address, and toll-free telephone number of the department for purposes of directing questions or complaints.
(2) All published notifications shall state:
(A) the full name, street address, telephone number, and VSF license number, and the Department's internet address;
(B) a description of the vehicle; and
(C) the total amount of charges assessed against the vehicle.
(3) Notices published in a newspaper may contain information for more than one towed vehicle.
(j) If authorized, a notification fee may not be charged unless actual notice has been given as required under this section.
Source Note: The provisions of this §85.703 adopted to be effective April 15, 2008, 33 TexReg 2931; amended to be effective May 3, 2010, 35 TexReg 3482; amended to be effective January 16, 2012, 37 TexReg 112; amended to be effective March 15, 2014, 39 TexReg 1704; amended to be effective January 15, 2018, 43 TexReg 84