(a) Initial application contents. To request a limitation on appraised value for school district maintenance and operations ad valorem tax purposes pursuant to Tax Code, Chapter 313, an applicant shall file a completed application with the school district in which the qualified property will be located.
(1) A completed application shall consist of, at a minimum, the following items:
(A) the comptroller's current application form and Schedules A1, A2, B and C attached to the application form with all information boxes filled in with the information on which applicant intends to rely including but not limited to:
(i) a specific and detailed description of the proposed qualified property to which the appraised value limitation will apply sufficient to clearly distinguish the subject property from property to which the limitation does not apply and to establish that the property meets the criteria of qualified property pursuant to these rules and Tax Code, §313.021(2);
(ii) a specific and detailed description of the investment described in Tax Code, §313.021(1) that is proposed to be made in the property subject to the appraised value limitation and sound, good faith estimates of the dollar value of intended investment sufficient to establish that the investment meets minimum criteria for qualified investment pursuant to Tax Code, §313.023 or §313.053 if applicable, during the proposed qualifying time period;
(iii) if the land upon which the qualified property will be located contains existing improvements or tangible personal property, a specific and detailed description of the tangible personal property, buildings, or permanent, non-removable building components (including any affixed to or incorporated into real property) on the land that is sufficient to distinguish existing property from the proposed new improvements and any proposed property that is not new improvements which may include maps, surveys, appraisal district values and parcel numbers, inventory lists, property lists, model and serial numbers of existing property, or other information of sufficient detail and description to locate all existing property within the boundaries of the real property which is subject to the agreement; provided however, that the date of appraisal shall be within 15 days of the date the application is received by the school district;
(iv) the total number of any jobs related to construction or operation of the facility that the applicant chooses to disclose for the purpose of calculating the economic impact of the project;
(v) the total number of qualifying jobs the applicant commits to create and maintain during the full term of the agreement and a schedule which identifies the number of qualifying jobs created and maintained in each year of the agreement;
(vi) the wages, salaries, and benefits applicant commits to provide for each qualifying job;
(vii) the total number of non-qualifying jobs the applicant estimates it will create and maintain during the full term of the agreement and a schedule which identifies the number of non-qualifying jobs created and maintained in each year of the agreement;
(viii) the average wages the applicant estimates it will provide for non-qualifying jobs;
(ix) a statement:
(I) that for the purposes of this statement, "payments to the school district" include any and all payments or transfers of things of value made to the school district or to any person or persons in any form if such payment or transfer of thing of value being provided is in recognition of, anticipation of, or consideration for the agreement for limitation on appraised value; and
(II) as to whether:
(-a-) the amount of any and all payments or transfers made to the school district may result in payments that are or are not in compliance with Tax Code, §313.027(i); or
(-b-) as to whether the method for determining the amount may result in payments to the school district that are or are not in compliance with Tax Code, §313.027(i); and
(x) a description of the real property on which the intended investment will be made, identified additionally by the county appraisal district parcel number;
(B) such other written documents containing information on which applicant relies to qualify for and obtain a limitation on appraised value pursuant to Tax Code, Chapter 313;
(C) such other written documents containing information reasonably requested by either the school district or the comptroller which shall be provided within 20 days of the date of the request, provided however the applicant may request up to 10 additional days to provide the requested information;
(D) information identifying the applicant, and if applicant is a combined group, identifying each such combined group's members that intend to own a direct interest in the property subject to the proposed agreement, by:
(i) official name, street address, city, county, state and mailing address, if different from the street address, of the official place of business of the applicant and, if the applicant is a combined group, of each such combined group's members that intend to own a direct interest in the property subject to the proposed agreement;
(ii) designation of an authorized representative for the applicant and, if the applicant is a combined group, for each such combined group's members that intend to own a direct interest in the property subject to the proposed agreement; and
(iii) for each authorized representative, and if the applicant is a combined group for each such combined group's members that intend to own a direct interest in the property subject to the proposed agreement, provide telephone number, email address, street address, city, county, state, and mailing address if different from the street address;
(E) the signature of applicant's authorized representative(s) by which applicant confirms and attests to the truth and accuracy of the information submitted in the application to the best knowledge and belief of applicant and its representative(s);
(F) the total application fee required by the school district with which the application will be filed;
(G) a statement as to whether or not the project is an expansion of an existing operation on the land which will become qualified property, and if so, a description of the nature of the existing operation, and the nature of the expansion, including an explanation of how the expansion affects or interacts with current operations;
(H) a statement specifying the beginning date of the limitation period, which must be January 1 of the first tax year that begins after one of the following:
(i) the date of the completed application;
(ii) the date of the end of the qualifying time period, provided however that such date will begin no later than the beginning of the limitation period; or
(iii) the date commercial operations are to begin at the site of the project;
(I) a statement regarding the location and nature of other facilities that the applicant operates in the state, and a detailed description of any such facilities that will provide inputs to or use outputs from the project that is the subject of the application;
(J) a detailed description of any state and local incentives for which the applicant intends to apply; and
(K) any information that the applicant requests the comptroller to consider in making the determination under Tax Code, §313.026(c)(2) that the limitation on appraised value is a determining factor in the applicant's decision to invest capital and construct the project in the state, which may include:
(i) other locations not in Texas that the applicant considered or is considering for the project;
(ii) capital investment and return on investment information in comparison with other alternative investment opportunities; or
(iii) information related to the applicant's inputs, transportation and markets.
(2) The completed application contents shall include an electronically digitized copy of the completed application formatted in searchable pdf format or other format acceptable to the comptroller; schedules A1, A2, B and C in Microsoft Excel format; and high-resolution maps and graphics (300 dpi or higher).
(3) The application shall be submitted in any manner acceptable to the comptroller.
(b) Optional application requests. An applicant may include in an application:
(1) a request that the school district waive the requirement of Tax Code, §313.021(2)(A)(iv)(b) or §313.051(b), whichever is applicable, to create new jobs. In order for a completed application to include a job waiver request, applicant shall submit: