(a) A licensee must develop, document, and follow an appropriate plan to provide dogs with the opportunity for daily exercise. In addition, the plan must be approved by a veterinarian and documented by a veterinarian in the medical records related to each dog. The plan must include written standard procedures to be followed in providing the opportunity for exercise.
(b) Dogs housed in groups. Dogs over 12 weeks of age housed, held, or maintained in groups do not require additional opportunity for daily exercise if they are maintained in cages, pens, or runs that provide in total at least 300 percent of the required space for each dog if maintained separately. Such animals may be maintained in compatible groups, unless:
(1) in the opinion of a veterinarian, such housing would adversely affect the health or well-being of the dog(s); or
(2) any dog exhibits aggressive or vicious behavior.
(c) Methods and period of providing exercise opportunity.
(1) The frequency, method, and duration of the opportunity for exercise of a dog 12 weeks of age or older shall be at least one hour each day unless a lesser frequency, method, and duration is determined by a veterinarian and documented by a veterinarian in the medical records related to each dog.
(2) A licensed breeder must provide positive physical contact with humans that encourage exercise through play or other similar activities. If a dog is housed, held, or maintained at a facility without sensory contact with another dog, it must be provided with positive physical contact with humans at least daily. The positive physical contact required by this section may be concurrent with the required opportunity for daily exercise required in subsection (a).
(3) The opportunity for exercise required by this chapter may be provided in a number of ways, such as:
(A) group housing in cages, pens or runs that provide at least 300 percent of the required space for each dog if maintained separately under the minimum floor space requirements of §91.104(3)(A);
(B) maintaining individually housed dogs in cages, pens, or runs that provide at least three times the minimum floor space required by §91.104(3)(A);
(C) providing access to a run or open area that provides at least three times the minimum floor space required by §91.104(3)(A); provides adequate protection against harsh weather, including exposure to the sun; and has flooring with adequate drainage which may include natural turf or soil at the frequency and duration prescribed by a veterinarian; or
(D) other similar activities approved by a veterinarian and documented by a veterinarian in the medical records related to each dog.
(4) Forced exercise methods or devices such as swimming, treadmills, or carousel-type devices are unacceptable for meeting the exercise requirements of this section.
(d) Exemptions.
(1) If, in the opinion of a veterinarian, it is inappropriate for certain dogs to exercise because of their health, condition, or well-being, the licensed breeder may be exempted from meeting the requirements of this section for those dogs. Such exemption must be documented by a veterinarian and, unless the basis for exemption is a permanent condition, must be reviewed at least every 30 days by a veterinarian.
(2) Records of any exemptions must be maintained separately for each dog and made available to the department inspector upon request.
Source Note: The provisions of this §91.106 adopted to be effective May 1, 2012, 37 TexReg 3075