(a) Instead of NFPA 58, §6.14, all new stationary LP-gas installations with individual or aggregate water capacities of 4,001 gallons or more shall:
(1) install a vertical bulkhead complying with subsection (d) of this section; and
(2) install one of the following in all container openings 1 1/4 inches or greater, as required in this section and §9.126 of this title (relating to Appurtenances and Equipment):
(A) pneumatically-actuated or electrically-actuated emergency shutoff valves (ESV);
(B) pneumatically-actuated or electrically-actuated internal valves;
(C) pneumatically-actuated or electrically-actuated API 607 ball valves; or
(D) in lieu of the ESV or internal valve specified in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph, a backflow check valve may be installed where the flow is in one direction into the container. The backflow check valve shall have a metal-to-metal seat or a primary resilient seat with metal backup, not hinged with combustible material, and shall be designed for the specific application.
(b) Valve protection requirements.
(1) The pneumatic ESV and/or backflow check valves shall be installed in the fixed piping of the transfer system upstream of the bulkhead and within four feet of the bulkhead with a stainless steel flexible wire-braided hose not more than 36 inches long installed between the ESV and the bulkhead.
(2) The ESV shall be installed in the piping so that any break resulting from a pull away will occur on the hose or swivel-type piping side of the connection while retaining intact the valves and piping on the storage side of the connection and will activate the ESV at the bulkhead and the internal valves, ESV, and API 607 ball valves at the container or containers. Provisions for anchorage and breakaway shall be provided on the cargo tank side for transfer from a railroad tank car directly into a cargo tank. Such anchorage shall not be required from the tank car side.
(3) Pneumatically-actuated or electrically-actuated ESV, internal valves, and API 607 ball valves shall be equipped for automatic shutoff using thermal (fire) actuation where the thermal element is located within five feet (1.5 meters) of the ESV, internal valves, and/or API 607 ball valves. Temperature sensitive elements shall not be painted nor shall they have any ornamental finishes applied after manufacture.
(4) Internal valves, ESVs, and backflow check valves shall be tested annually for working order. The results of the tests shall be documented in writing and kept in a readily accessible location for one year following the performed tests.
(5) Pneumatically-actuated or electrically-actuated internal valves, ESV, and API 607 ball valves shall be interconnected and incorporated into at least one remote operating system.
(c) In addition to NFPA 58 §, stationary LP-gas installations or railroad tank car transfer systems to fill trucks with no stationary storage involved shall have vertical bulkheads, pneumatic ESV and/or backflow check valves installed where the flow is in one direction into the container. ESVs, internal valves, and API 607 ball valves shall have emergency remote controls conspicuously marked according to the requirements of Table 1 of §9.140 of this title (relating to System Protection Requirements) as follows:
(1) For all new and existing facilities, where a bulkhead, internal valves, and ESVs are installed, at least one clearly identified and easily accessible manually operated remote emergency shutoff device shall be located between 20 and 100 feet from the ESV in the path of egress from the ESV.
(2) In addition to NFPA 58 § beginning September 1, 2005, for new installations, at least one clearly identified and easily accessible manually operated remote emergency shutoff device shall be located between 25 and 100 feet from the ESV at the bulkhead and in the path of egress from the ESV. API 607 ball valves installed after February 1, 2008, shall also meet the requirements of this section.
(d) Existing installations which have horizontal bulkheads and cable-actuated ESV shall comply with the following:
(1) If the horizontal bulkhead requires replacement, it shall be replaced with a vertical bulkhead;
(2) If a cable-actuated ESV requires replacement, it shall be replaced with a pneumatically-actuated or electrically-actuated ESV;
(3) If the horizontal bulkhead or a backflow check valve or a cable-actuated ESV are moved from their original location to another location, no matter what the distance from the original location, then the installation shall comply with the requirements for a vertical bulkhead and pneumatically-actuated or electrically-actuated ESV;
(4) All cable-actuated ESV shall be replaced with pneumatically-actuated or electrically-actuated ESV by January 1, 2011.
(e) Bulkheads, whether horizontal or vertical, shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) Bulkheads shall be installed for both liquid and vapor return piping.
(2) No more than two transfer hoses shall be attached to a pipe riser. If two hoses are simultaneously connected to one or two transports, the use of the two hoses shall not prevent the activation of the ESV in the event of a pull away.
(3) Both liquid and vapor transfer hoses shall be plugged or capped when not in use.
(4) Bulkheads shall be located at least 10 feet from any aboveground container or containers and a minimum of 10 feet horizontally from any portion of a container or valve exposed aboveground on any underground or mounded container. If the 10-foot distance cannot be obtained, the licensee or nonlicensee shall inform AFS in writing and include all necessary information. AFS may grant administrative distance variances to a minimum distance of five feet. If the licensee or nonlicensee requests that the bulkhead be closer than five feet to the container or containers, the licensee or nonlicensee shall apply for an exception to a safety rule as specified in §9.27 of this title (relating to Application for an Exception to a Safety Rule).
(5) Horizontal bulkheads shall not be converted to vertical bulkheads.
(6) Bulkheads shall be anchored in reinforced concrete to prevent displacement of the bulkhead, piping, and fittings in the event of a pullaway.
(7) Bulkheads shall be constructed by welding using the following materials or materials with equal or greater strength, as shown in the diagram.
Attached Graphic
(A) Six-inch steel channel iron shall be used.
(B) Legs shall be four-inch schedule 80 piping.
(C) The top crossmember of a vertical bulkhead shall be six-inch standard weight steel channel iron. The channel iron shall be installed so the channel portion is pointing downward to prevent accumulation of water or other debris. The height of the top crossmember above ground shall not result in torsional stress on the vertical supports of the bulkhead in the event of a pullaway.
(D) The kick plate shall be at least 1/4 inch steel plate installed at least 10 inches from the top of the bulkhead crossmember. A kick plate is not required if the crossmember is constructed to prevent torsional stress from being placed on the piping to the pipe risers.
(E) Pipe sleeves or couplings shall comply with clause (i) or (ii) of this subparagraph.
(i) Either a schedule 40 pipe sleeve or a 3,000-pound coupling shall be welded between the top crossmember and the kick plate;
(I) Pipe sleeves shall have a clearance of 1/4 inch or less for the piping to the pipe riser, and the piping shall terminate through the bulkhead with a schedule 80 pipe collar, a minimum 12-inch schedule 80 threaded (not welded) pipe riser (nipple), and an elbow or other fitting between the bulkhead and hose coupling;
(II) If a 3,000-pound coupling is used, no collar is required; however, the minimum 12-inch length of schedule 80 threaded pipe riser and an elbow or other fitting between the bulkhead and hose coupling are required;
(III) Elbows or other fittings shall comply with NFPA 58, §5.11.4 and shall direct the transfer hose from vertical to prevent binding or kinking of the hose; or
(ii) A pre-manufactured riser pipe break-away coupler shall be designed with an engineered break point located between two swing check valves.
(I) The riser pipe break-away coupler shall be designed so that the device used in the loading or unloading operations is able to stop the flow of product from both the source and the receiving tank within 20 seconds without human intervention in the event of a pullaway; and