In addition to the definitions in any adopted NFPA pamphlets, the following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) AFS--The Commission's Alternative Fuels Safety Department within the Commission's Oversight and Safety Division.
(2) Aggregate water capacity (AWC)--The sum of all individual container capacities measured by weight or volume of water which are placed at a single installation location.
(3) Bobtail driver--An individual who operates an LP-gas cargo tank motor vehicle of 5,000 gallons water capacity or less in metered delivery service.
(4) Breakaway--The accidental separation of a hose from a cylinder, container, transfer equipment, or dispensing equipment, which could occur on a cylinder, container, transfer equipment, or dispensing equipment whether or not they are protected by a breakaway device.
(5) Certificate holder--An individual:
(A) who has passed the required management-level qualification examination, pursuant to §9.10 of this title (relating to Rules Examination);
(B) who has passed the required employee-level qualification examination pursuant to §9.10 of this title;
(C) who holds a current reciprocal examination exemption pursuant to §9.18 of this title (relating to Reciprocal Examination Agreements with Other States);
(D) who holds a current examination exemption certificate pursuant to §9.13 of this title (relating to General Installers and Repairman Exemption); or
(E) who holds a current Dispenser Operations certificate exemption pursuant to §9.20 of this title (relating to Dispenser Operations Certificate Exemption).
(6) Certified--Authorized to perform LP-gas work as set forth in the Texas Natural Resources Code. Employee certification alone does not allow an individual to perform those activities which require licensing.
(7) CETP--The Certified Employee Training Program offered by the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC), the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA), or their authorized agents or successors.
(8) Commercial installation--An LP-gas installation located on premises other than a single family dwelling used as a residence, including but not limited to a retail business establishment, school, bulk storage facility, convalescent home, hospital, cylinder exchange operation, service station, forklift refueling facility, private motor/mobile fuel cylinder filling operation, a microwave tower, or a public or private agricultural installation.
(9) Commission--The Railroad Commission of Texas.
(10) Company representative--The individual designated to the Commission by a license applicant or a licensee as the principal individual in authority and, in the case of a licensee other than a Category P licensee, actively supervising the conduct of the licensee's LP-gas activities.
(11) Container delivery unit--A vehicle used by an operator principally for transporting LP-gas in cylinders.
(12) Continuing education--Courses required to be successfully completed at least every four years by certificate holders to maintain certification.
(13) Director--The director of AFS or the director's delegate.
(14) DOT--The United States Department of Transportation.
(15) Employee--An individual who renders or performs any services or labor for compensation, including individuals hired on a part-time or temporary basis, on a full-time or permanent basis, and owner-employees.
(16) Interim approval order--The authority issued by the Railroad Commission of Texas following a public hearing allowing construction of an LP-gas installation.
(17) Leak grades--An LP-gas leak that is:
(A) a Grade 1 leak that represents an existing or probable hazard to persons or property, and requires immediate repair or continuous action until the conditions are no longer hazardous; or
(B) a Grade 2 leak that is recognized as being nonhazardous at the time of detection, but requires a scheduled repair based on a probable future hazard.
(18) Licensed--Authorized by the Commission to perform LP-gas activities through the issuance of a valid license.
(19) Licensee--A person which has applied for and been granted an LP-gas license by the Commission, or who holds a master or journeyman plumber license from the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners or a Class A or B Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors License from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and has properly registered with the Commission.
(20) LP-Gas Safety Rules--The rules adopted by the Railroad Commission in the Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Part 1, Chapter 9, including any NFPA or other documents adopted by reference. The official text of the Commission's rules is that which is on file with the Secretary of State's office and available at the Secretary of State's web site or the Commission's web site.
(21) LP-gas system--All piping, fittings, valves, and equipment, excluding containers and appliances, that connect one or more containers to one or more appliances that use or consume LP-gas.
(22) Mass transit vehicle--Any vehicle which is owned or operated by a political subdivision of a state, city, or county, used primarily in the conveyance of the general public.
(23) Mobile fuel container--An LP-gas container mounted on a vehicle to store LP-gas as the fuel supply to an auxiliary engine other than the engine to propel the vehicle or for other uses on the vehicle.
(24) Mobile fuel system--An LP-gas system, excluding the container, to supply LP-gas as a fuel to an auxiliary engine other than the engine to propel the vehicle or for other uses on the vehicle.
(25) Motor fuel container--An LP-gas container mounted on a vehicle to store LP-gas as the fuel supply to an engine used to propel the vehicle.
(26) Motor fuel system--An LP-gas system, excluding the container, which supplies LP-gas to an engine used to propel the vehicle.
(27) Noncorrosive--Corrosiveness of gas which does not exceed the limitation for Classification 1 of ASTM International (ASTM) Copper Strip Classifications when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1834-64, "Copper Strip Corrosion of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases."
(28) Nonspecification unit--An LP-gas transport not constructed to DOT MC-330 or MC-331 specifications but which complies with the exemption in 49 Code of Federal Regulations §173.315(k). (See also "Specification unit" in this section.)
(29) Operations supervisor--The individual who is certified by the Commission to actively supervise a licensee's LP-gas activities and is authorized by the licensee to implement operational changes.
(30) Outlet--A site operated by an LP-gas licensee from which any regulated LP-gas activity is performed.
(31) Outside instructor--An individual, other than a Commission employee, approved by AFS to teach certain LP-gas training or continuing education courses.
(32) Person--An individual, partnership, firm, corporation, joint venture, association, or any other business entity, a state agency or institution, county, municipality, school district, or other governmental subdivision, or licensee, including the definition of "person" as defined in the applicable sections of 49 CFR relating to cargo tank hazardous material regulations.
(33) Portable cylinder--A receptacle constructed to DOT specifications, designed to be moved readily, and used for the storage of LP-gas for connection to an appliance or an LP-gas system. The term does not include a cylinder designed for use on a forklift or similar equipment.
(34) Property line--The boundary which designates the point at which one real property interest ends and another begins.
(35) Public transportation vehicle--A vehicle for hire to transport persons, including but not limited to taxis, buses (excluding school buses and mass transit or special transit vehicles), or airport courtesy vehicles.
(36) Recreational vehicle--A vehicular-type unit primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use that either has its own motive power or is mounted on, or towed by, another vehicle.
(37) Registered manufacturer--A person who has applied for and been granted a registration to manufacture LP-gas containers by the Commission.
(38) Rules examination--The Commission's written examination that measures an examinee's working knowledge of Chapter 113 of the Texas Natural Resources Code and/or the current rules in this chapter.
(39) School--A public or private institution which has been accredited through the Texas Education Agency or the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission.