(a) The department will send written notice to permit holders at least thirty (30) days before the permit expires. The notice will be emailed to the permit holder's last known email address in the department's licensing records.
(b) To be eligible to renew a permit, a permit holder must:
(1) submit a completed application on a form and in the manner prescribed by the department;
(2) provide electronic proof of insurance with the coverage required by Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 2402;
(3) certify that the applicant continues to meet the requirements of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 2402; and
(4) pay the fee set out under §95.80.
(c) Late Renewal.
(1) To maintain continuous licensure, the renewal requirements under this section must be completed prior to the expiration of the permit.
(2) A late renewal means the permit holder will have an unlicensed period from the expiration date of the expired permit to the issuance date of the renewed permit. During the unlicensed period, a transportation network company must block drivers access to the digital network.
(3) Non-receipt of a permit renewal notice from the department does not exempt a permit holder from the requirements of this chapter.
Source Note: The provisions of this §95.23 adopted to be effective December 1, 2017, 42 TexReg 6615