(a) Examination for active tuberculosis (TB).
(1) Persons with positive tuberculin skin tests or with skin-test conversions on repeat testing or after exposure shall be clinically evaluated for active TB. Persons with symptoms suggestive of TB shall be evaluated regardless of skin-test results.
(2) If TB is diagnosed, appropriate therapy shall be instituted according to accepted medical practice.
(A) Persons diagnosed with active TB shall be offered counseling and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-antibody testing.
(B) The need for counseling and HIV testing should be stressed in persons diagnosed with active TB.
(b) Latent TB infection without disease.
(1) Persons who have latent TB infection but do not have symptoms or radiologic findings suggestive of TB disease shall be evaluated for treatment of latent TB infection. Persons with positive skin tests shall be evaluated for risk of HIV infection. If HIV infection is considered a possibility, counseling and HIV-antibody testing shall be strongly encouraged.
(2) All persons with a history of TB or latent TB infection are at risk for developing TB in the future. These persons shall be reminded at least annually and following their exposure to a known or suspected case of TB that they shall promptly report any pulmonary symptoms. If symptoms of TB develop, the person shall be evaluated immediately.
(3) Routine chest films are not required for asymptomatic persons who have negative tests for latent TB infection. After the initial chest radiograph is taken, persons with positive tuberculin skin-test reactions do not need repeat chest radiographs, unless symptoms develop that may be due to TB.
Source Note: The provisions of this §97.174 adopted to be effective May 16, 1994, 19 TexReg 3370; amended to be effective April 1, 2004, 29 TexReg 3192