(a) Cases.
(1) All suspected or diagnosed cases of tuberculosis (TB) shall be reported within one working day to the local health authority or a Texas Department of Health regional office.
(2) The following information shall be reported: complete name, date of birth, physical address and county of residence, information on which diagnosis was based or suspected. In addition, if known, radiographic or diagnostic imaging results and date(s); all information necessary to complete the most recent versions of forms TB 400 A & B (Report of Case and Patient Services), TB 340 (Report of Contacts) and TB 341 (Continuation of Report of Contacts); laboratory results used to guide prescribing, monitoring or modifying antibiotic treatment regimens for tuberculosis to include, but not limited to, liver function studies, renal function studies, and serum drug levels; pathology reports related to diagnostic evaluations of tuberculosis; reports of imaging or radiographic studies; records of hospital or outpatient care to include, but not limited to, histories and physical examinations, discharge summaries and progress notes; records of medication administration to include, but not limited to, directly observed therapy (DOT) records, and drug toxicity and monitoring records; a listing of other patient medications to evaluate the potential for drug-drug interactions; and copies of court documents related to court ordered management of tuberculosis. Reporting forms are available from local health departments, Texas Department of Health regional offices, or the TB Elimination Division, Texas Department of Health, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas, 78756.
(b) Latent TB infection.
(1) All occurrences of latent TB infection shall be reported no later than one week after diagnosis to the local health authority or a Texas Department of Health regional office.
(2) The following information shall be reported: complete name; date of birth; physical address, county of residence, tuberculin skin test result, and chest x-ray result.
(3) For those with latent TB infection who are receiving treatment all information necessary to complete the most recent versions of forms TB 400 A & B (Report of Case and Patient Services) shall be reported.
(c) Tuberculin tests. Aggregate numbers of positive tests, total tests administered, and total tests read shall be reported monthly to the local health authority that shall forward the reports to the TB Elimination Division of the Texas Department of Health.
(d) Contacts. For contacts to a known case of tuberculosis--complete name; date of birth; physical address; county of residence; and all information necessary to complete the most recent versions of forms TB 400 A & B (Report of Case and Patient Services), TB 340 (Report of Contacts), and TB 341 (Continuation of Report of Contacts) shall be reported to the local health authority or a Texas Department of Health regional office.
Source Note: The provisions of this §97.178 adopted to be effective May 16, 1994, 19 TexReg 3370; amended to be effective December 15, 1997, 22 TexReg 12056; amended to be effective May 29, 2003, 28 TexReg 4151; amended to be effective April 1, 2004, 29 TexReg 3192