The following words and terms, when used in this chapter must have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) ASTM--ASTM International; the national voluntary consensus standards organization formed for the development of standards on characteristics and performance of materials, products, systems and services and the promotion of related knowledge.
(2) Code--The Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 2310, "Motor Fuel Metering and Quality."
(3) Commission--Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation.
(4) Controlling person--an individual who:
(A) is a sole proprietor;
(B) is a general partner of a partnership;
(C) is a controlling person of a business entity that is a general partner of a partnership;
(D) possesses direct or indirect control of at least 25 percent of the voting securities of a corporation;
(E) is the president, the secretary, or a director of a corporation; or
(F) possesses the authority to set policy or direct the management of a business entity.
(5) Department--Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
(6) Device--A commercial weighing or measuring device used for motor fuel sales, also defined as a motor fuel metering device by §2310.001(7) of the Code.
(7) Device performance review (DPR)--The comprehensive inspection and testing of a motor fuel metering device to ensure it is calibrated and operating according to NIST and Manufacturer specifications.
(8) Gasoline--A liquid or combination of liquids blended together, offered for sale, sold, used, or capable of use as fuel for a gasoline-powered engine. The term includes gasohol, aviation gasoline, and blending agents, but does not include compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, racing gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation jet fuel, or liquefied gas, as defined in §162.001(29) of the Texas Tax Code.
(9) GPM--Gallons per minute.
(10) ISO--International Organization for Standardization; an independent, non-governmental organization that develops voluntary international standards to facilitate world trade by providing common standards among nations.
(11) Merchant--A person whose business includes the sale of motor fuel through motor fuel metering devices, as defined by §607.001(4) of the Texas Business and Commerce Code.
(12) Motor fuel--Gasoline, diesel fuel, gasoline blended fuel, compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, and other products that are offered for sale, sold, used, or capable of use as fuel for a gasoline-powered engine or a diesel-powered engine, as defined in §162.001(42) of the Texas Tax Code.
(13) NIST--The National Institute of Standards and Technology; a non-regulatory federal agency under the United States Department of Commerce, which certifies and provides standard reference materials used to perform instrument calibrations, verifies the accuracy of specific measurements and supports the development of new measurement methods.
(14) Operator--A person in possession or control of a weighing or measuring device, as defined in 2310.001(8) of the Code.
(15) Skimmer--A wire or electronic device that is capable of unlawfully intercepting electronic communications or data to perpetrate fraud, as defined by §607.001(8) of the Texas Business and Commerce Code.
(16) Tamper-evident security label""A label or tape that, once applied to a surface, cannot be removed without self-destructing, or otherwise leaving a clear indication that the label or tape has been removed.
(17) Test standard--A certified weight or measure used to test a device for accuracy.
Source Note: The provisions of this §97.2 adopted to be effective September 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 6082; amended to be effective November 1, 2021, 46 TexReg 7403; amended to be effective March 1, 2022, 47 TexReg 911; amended to be effective September 1, 2023, 48 TexReg 4655