Texas Administrative Code
Title 1 Administration
Part 4 Office of the Secretary of State
Chapter 81 Elections
Subchapter F Primary Elections
Rule 81.101 Primary and Runoff Election Cost Reporting; Receipt of State Funds
Rule 81.102 Primary Funds Defined
Rule 81.103 Bank Account for Primary-fund Deposits and Expenditures
Rule 81.104 Signature On Checks; Authorization of Primary-fund Expenditures
Rule 81.105 Payee of Checks from Primary-fund Account Restricted
Rule 81.106 Deposits
Rule 81.107 Primary-fund Records
Rule 81.108 Transfer of Records to New County Chair
Rule 81.109 Costs Not Payable with Primary Funds
Rule 81.110 Fidelity Bond Purchase
Rule 81.111 Interest On Start-up Loan to Open Primary Fund Is Not Reimbursable
Rule 81.112 List of Candidates and Filing Fees
Rule 81.113 Misuse of State Funds
Rule 81.114 Conflicts of Interest
Rule 81.115 Requirement for Competitive Bids for Services Or Products
Rule 81.116 Estimating Voter Turnout
Rule 81.117 Number of Election Workers Per Polling Place
Rule 81.118 Flex Scheduling of Precinct Workers
Rule 81.119 County Chair's Compensation
Rule 81.120 Compensation for Election-day Workers
Rule 81.121 No Compensation for Attending Election Schools for Judges Or Clerks
Rule 81.122 Personnel Payroll Taxes and Benefits
Rule 81.123 Administrative Personnel and Overall Administrative Costs Limited
Rule 81.124 Number of Ballots Per Voting Precinct
Rule 81.125 Number of Direct Record Electronic (dre) Units Or Precinct Ballot Counters Per Voting Precinct
Rule 81.126 Training Reimbursement to Attend County Chairs Election Law Seminar
Rule 81.127 Office Equipment and Supplies
Rule 81.128 Telephone and Postage Charges
Rule 81.129 Office Rental
Rule 81.130 Payment for Use of County-owned and Non-county-owned Equipment
Rule 81.131 Contracting with the County Election Officer
Rule 81.132 Cost of Early Voting to Be Paid by the County
Rule 81.133 No Charge for Use of A Public Building As Polling Place; Political Conventions
Rule 81.134 Legal Expenses
Rule 81.135 Primary Procedure for Counties Without County Party Leadership
Rule 81.136 Primary Procedure Upon County Chair Request Or Failure to Comply with Certain Duties