Texas Administrative Code
Title 16 Economic Regulation
Part 2 Public Utility Commission of Texas
Chapter 24 Substantive Rules Applicable to Water and Sewer Service Providers
Subchapter H Certificates of Convenience and Necessity
Rule 24.225 Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Required
Rule 24.227 Criteria for Granting Or Amending A Certificate of Convenience and Necessity
Rule 24.229 Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Not Required
Rule 24.231 Applicant
Rule 24.233 Contents of Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Applications
Rule 24.235 Notice Requirements for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Applications
Rule 24.237 Action On Applications
Rule 24.238 Fair Market Valuation
Rule 24.239 Sale, Transfer, Merger, Consolidation, Acquisition, Lease, Or Rental
Rule 24.240 Water and Sewer Utility Rates After Acquisition
Rule 24.241 Foreclosure and Bankruptcy
Rule 24.243 Purchase of Voting Stock Or Acquisition of A Controlling Interest in A Utility
Rule 24.245 Revocation of A Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Or Amendment of A Certificate of Convenience and Necessity by Decertification, Expedited Release, Or Streamlined Expedited Release
Rule 24.247 Requirement to Provide Continuous and Adequate Service
Rule 24.249 Cessation of Operations by A Retail Public Utility
Rule 24.251 Exclusiveness of Certificates
Rule 24.253 Contracts Valid and Enforceable
Rule 24.255 Contents of Request for Cease and Desist Order by the Commission Under Twc 13.252
Rule 24.257 Mapping Requirements for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Applications
Rule 24.259 Single Certification in Incorporated Or Annexed Areas