Texas Administrative Code
Title 16 Economic Regulation
Part 4 Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Chapter 76 Water Well Drillers and Water Well Pump Installers
Rule 76.1 Purpose of Rules
Rule 76.10 Definitions
Rule 76.20 Licensing Requirements--general
Rule 76.21 Requirements for Issuance of A Driller Or Pump Installer License
Rule 76.22 Applications for Licenses and Renewals
Rule 76.23 Examinations
Rule 76.24 License Renewal
Rule 76.25 Continuing Education
Rule 76.26 A Person Assisting Licensed Driller Or Licensed Pump Installers
Rule 76.27 Registration for Driller And/or Pump Installer Apprenticeship; Renewal
Rule 76.28 Standards of Conduct- Apprentice and Supervising Licensee
Rule 76.30 Exemptions
Rule 76.62 Responsibilities of the Department--injurious Water Or Constituents
Rule 76.65 Advisory Council
Rule 76.70 Responsibilities of the Licensee--state Well Reports
Rule 76.71 Responsibilities of the Licensee--reporting Injurious Water Or Constituents
Rule 76.72 Responsibilities of the Licensee and Landowner--well Drilling, Completion, Capping and Plugging
Rule 76.73 Responsibilities of the Licensee--standards of Completion for Public Water System Wells
Rule 76.74 Responsibilities of the Licensee--marking Vehicles and Equipment
Rule 76.75 Responsibilities of the Licensee--representations
Rule 76.76 Responsibilities of the Licensee--unauthorized Practice
Rule 76.78 Responsibilities of the Licensee--adherence to Manufacturer's Recommended Well Construction Materials and Equipment
Rule 76.80 Fees
Rule 76.90 Disciplinary Actions
Rule 76.100 Technical Requirements--locations and Standards of Completion for Wells
Rule 76.101 Technical Requirements--standards of Completion for Water Wells Encountering Water Injurious to Vegetation, Land Or Other Water
Rule 76.102 Technical Requirements--standards for Wells Producing Water Injurious to Vegetation, Land Or Other Water
Rule 76.103 Technical Requirements--re-completions
Rule 76.104 Technical Requirements--standards for Capping and Plugging of Wells and Plugging Wells That Penetrate Injurious Water Zones
Rule 76.105 Technical Requirements--standards for Water Wells (drilled Before June 1, 1983)
Rule 76.106 Technical Requirements--water Distribution and Delivery Systems
Rule 76.107 Technical Requirements--chemical Injection, Chemigation, and Foreign Substance Systems
Rule 76.108 Technical Requirements--pump Installation
Rule 76.109 Technical Requirements--variances--alternative Procedures
Rule 76.110 Appeals--variances
Rule 76.111 Memorandum of Understanding Between the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and the Texas Commission On Environmental Quality