Texas Administrative Code
Title 16 Economic Regulation
Part 4 Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Chapter 79 Weather Modification
Rule 79.1 Authority
Rule 79.10 Definitions
Rule 79.11 License and Permit Required
Rule 79.12 License and Permit Exemptions
Rule 79.13 Application for License
Rule 79.14 Issuance of License
Rule 79.15 Renewal of License
Rule 79.17 Notice of Intention to Obtain Permit
Rule 79.18 Permit Application
Rule 79.20 Requests for Public Meeting On Permit Application
Rule 79.21 Issuance of Permit
Rule 79.22 Description of Permit
Rule 79.31 Recordkeeping Requirements
Rule 79.32 Additional Recordkeeping Requirements for Operations Employing Aircraft
Rule 79.33 Reporting Requirements
Rule 79.41 Amendment, Revocation, Or Suspension
Rule 79.42 Good Cause
Rule 79.43 Notice and Hearing
Rule 79.44 Emergency Order to Cease Operations
Rule 79.51 Application for License Amendment
Rule 79.52 Issuance of License Amendment
Rule 79.53 Application for Permit Amendment
Rule 79.54 Issuance of Permit Amendment
Rule 79.55 Exception for Minor Permit Amendments
Rule 79.61 Hail Suppression As Objective of Permit
Rule 79.62 Issuance of Permit When Election Held
Rule 79.80 Fees