Texas Administrative Code
Title 19 Education
Part 1 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Chapter 1 Agency Administration
Subchapter A General Provisions
Rule 1.1 Dates for Regular Quarterly Meetings of the Board
Rule 1.2 Authority of the Commissioner to Interpret Rules
Rule 1.3 Educational Data
Rule 1.4 Rules of Order
Rule 1.5 Coordinating Board Committees
Rule 1.6 Advisory Committees
Rule 1.7 Petition for the Adoption of Rules
Rule 1.8 Historically Underutilized Business (hubs) Program
Rule 1.9 Training for Members of Governing Boards and Board Trustees
Rule 1.10 Administration of the Open Records Act
Rule 1.11 Protest Procedures for Resolving Vendor Protests Relating to Purchasing Issues
Rule 1.12 Foreign Travel
Rule 1.13 Internal Auditor and Compliance Monitoring
Rule 1.14 Negotiated Rulemaking
Rule 1.15 Authority of the Commissioner to Propose Board Rules
Rule 1.16 Contracts, Including Grants, for Materials And/or Services
Rule 1.17 Authority of the Commissioner to Provide Direct Supervision of the Education Research Centers
Rule 1.18 Operation of Education Research Centers
Rule 1.19 Education and Training of Board Administrators and Employees