Texas Administrative Code
Title 19 Education
Part 2 Texas Education Agency
Chapter 100 Charters
Subchapter Aa Commissioner's Rules Concerning Open-enrollment Charter Schools
Division 5 Charter School Governance
Rule 100.1101 Delegation of Powers and Duties
Rule 100.1102 Training for Members of Governing Bodies of Charter Holder and School
Rule 100.1103 Training for Chief Executive and Central Administrative Officers
Rule 100.1104 Training for Campus Administrative Officers
Rule 100.1105 Training for Business Managers
Rule 100.1106 Exemption for Participation in A Shared Services Cooperative
Rule 100.1107 Course Providers
Rule 100.1108 Record of Compliance and Disclosure of Non-compliance
Rule 100.1111 Applicability of Nepotism Provisions; Exception for Acceptable Performance
Rule 100.1112 General Nepotism Provisions
Rule 100.1113 Relationships by Consanguinity Or by Affinity
Rule 100.1114 Nepotism Prohibitions
Rule 100.1115 Nepotism Exceptions
Rule 100.1116 Enforcement of Nepotism Prohibitions
Rule 100.1131 Conflicts of Interest and Board Member Compensation; Exception
Rule 100.1132 General Conflict of Interest Provisions
Rule 100.1133 Conflicts Requiring Affidavit and Abstention from Voting
Rule 100.1134 Conflicts Requiring Separate Vote On Budget
Rule 100.1135 Acting As Surety and Other Conflicts; Criminal Penalties
Rule 100.1151 Criminal History; Restrictions On Serving
Rule 100.1153 Substantial Interest in Management Company; Restrictions On Serving
Rule 100.1155 Procedures for Prohibiting A Management Contract
Rule 100.1157 Loan from Management Company Prohibited
Rule 100.1159 Public Records Maintained by Management Company; Contract Provision