Texas Administrative Code
Title 19 Education
Part 2 Texas Education Agency
Chapter 130 Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education
Subchapter P Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
Rule 130.441 Implementation of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics, Adopted 2015
Rule 130.442 Principles of Transportation Systems (one Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.443 Principles of Distribution and Logistics (one Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.444 Introduction to Transportation Technology (one-half Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.445 Small Engine Technology I (one Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.446 Small Engine Technology II (two Credits), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.447 Automotive Basics (one Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.449 Automotive Technology I: Maintenance and Light Repair (two Credits), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.450 Automotive Technology Ii: Automotive Service (two Credits), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.451 Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory (one Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.452 Introduction to Aircraft Technology (one Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.453 Aircraft Airframe Technology (two Credits), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.454 Aircraft Powerplant Technology (two Credits), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.455 Basic Collision Repair and Refinishing (one Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.456 Collision Repair (two Credits), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.457 Paint and Refinishing (two Credits), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.458 Diesel Equipment Technology I (two Credits), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.459 Diesel Equipment Technology II (two Credits), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.460 Energy and Power of Transportation Systems (one Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.461 Management of Transportation Systems (one Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.462 Distribution and Logistics (one Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.463 Practicum in Transportation Systems (two Credits), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.464 Practicum in Distribution and Logistics (two Credits), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.465 Extended Practicum in Transportation Systems (one Credit), Adopted 2015
Rule 130.466 Extended Practicum in Distribution and Logistics (one Credit), Adopted 2015