Texas Administrative Code
Title 19 Education
Part 2 Texas Education Agency
Chapter 153 School District Personnel
Subchapter Ee Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Registry of Persons Not Eligible for Employment in Public Schools
Rule 153.1201 Definitions
Rule 153.1203 Required Reporting by Administrators
Rule 153.1205 Persons Under Investigation
Rule 153.1207 Request for Hearing
Rule 153.1209 Jurisdiction
Rule 153.1211 Powers and Duties of Administrative Law Judge
Rule 153.1213 Recusal and Disqualification of Administrative Law Judge
Rule 153.1215 Substitution of Administrative Law Judge
Rule 153.1217 Classification of Parties; Current Addresses
Rule 153.1219 Representation of Parties
Rule 153.1221 Filing Or Serving Documents On the Texas Education Agency Staff Or the Administrative Law Judge
Rule 153.1223 Pleadings
Rule 153.1225 Stipulations
Rule 153.1227 Discovery
Rule 153.1229 Notice of Hearing
Rule 153.1231 Venue
Rule 153.1233 Conduct and Record of Hearings
Rule 153.1235 Use of Deposition Transcripts in Contested Case Hearings
Rule 153.1237 Consolidated Proceedings
Rule 153.1239 Disposition Prior to Hearing; Default
Rule 153.1241 Proposal for Decision
Rule 153.1243 Exceptions and Replies
Rule 153.1245 Review of Proposal by Commissioner of Education
Rule 153.1247 Final Decisions and Orders
Rule 153.1249 Motion for Rehearing; Administrative Finality; Appeals
Rule 153.1251 Notice of Placement On Registry