Texas Administrative Code
Title 22 Examining Boards
Part 23 Texas Real Estate Commission
Chapter 535 General Provisions
Subchapter A Definitions
Subchapter B General Provisions Relating to the Requirements of Licensure
Subchapter C Exemptions to Requirements of Licensure
Subchapter D the Commission
Subchapter E Requirements for Licensure
Subchapter F Requirements for Education Providers, Courses and Instructors for Qualifying Education
Subchapter G Requirements for Continuing Education Providers, Courses and Instructors
Subchapter H Recovery Fund
Subchapter I License Renewal
Subchapter J Fees
Subchapter L Inactive License Status
Subchapter M Nonresidents
Subchapter N Suspension and Revocation of Licensure
Subchapter P Enforcement Action for Unlicensed Activity
Subchapter Q Administrative Penalties
Subchapter R Real Estate Inspectors
Subchapter S Residential Rental Locators
Subchapter T Easement Or Right-of-way Agents