Texas Administrative Code
Title 25 Health Services
Part 1 Department of State Health Services
Chapter 181 Vital Statistics
Subchapter A Miscellaneous Provisions
Rule 181.1 Definitions
Rule 181.2 Assuming Custody of Body
Rule 181.3 Transportation of Dead Bodies
Rule 181.4 Preservation of Bodies
Rule 181.5 Embalming and Standards of the Funeral Industry
Rule 181.6 Disinterment
Rule 181.7 Fetal Death (stillbirth)
Rule 181.8 Supplemental Birth Certificates
Rule 181.9 Access to Paternity Files
Rule 181.10 Availability of Birth Records to Ensure Confidentiality of Adoption Placement
Rule 181.11 Requests for Personal Data
Rule 181.13 Birth Certificate Form and Content
Rule 181.14 Death and Fetal Death Certificate Form and Content