Texas Administrative Code
Title 26 Health and Human Services
Part 1 Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 553 Licensing Standards for Assisted Living Facilities
Subchapter H Enforcement
Division 2 Actions Against A License: Suspension
Rule 553.401 When May Hhsc Suspend A Facility's License?
Rule 553.403 Does Hhsc Provide Notice of A License Suspension and the Opportunity for A Hearing to the Applicant, License Holder, Or A Controlling Person?
Rule 553.405 May Hhsc Suspend A License at the Same Time Another Enforcement Action Is Occurring?
Rule 553.407 How Does Hhsc Notify A License Holder of A Proposed Suspension?
Rule 553.409 What Information Does Hhsc Provide the License Holder Concerning A Proposed Suspension?
Rule 553.411 Does the License Holder Have An Opportunity to Show Compliance with All Requirements for Keeping the License Before Hhsc Begins Proceedings to Suspend A License?
Rule 553.413 How Does A License Holder Request An Opportunity to Show Compliance?
Rule 553.415 How Much Time Does A License Holder Have to Request An Opportunity to Show Compliance?
Rule 553.417 What Must the Request for An Opportunity to Show Compliance Contain?
Rule 553.419 How Does Hhsc Conduct the Opportunity to Show Compliance?
Rule 553.421 Does Hhsc Give the License Holder A Written Affirmation Or Reversal of the Proposed Action?
Rule 553.423 How Does Hhsc Notify A License Holder of Its Final Decision to Suspend A License?
Rule 553.425 May the Facility Request A Formal Hearing?
Rule 553.427 How Long Does A License Holder Have to Request A Formal Hearing?
Rule 553.429 If A License Holder Does Not Appeal, When Does the Suspension Take Effect?
Rule 553.431 If A License Holder Appeals, When Does the Suspension Take Effect?
Rule 553.433 May A Facility Operate During A Suspension?
Rule 553.435 How Long Is the Suspension?
Rule 553.437 How Does Hhsc Decide to Remove the Suspension?
Rule 553.439 Must the License Be Returned to Hhsc During A License Suspension?