Texas Administrative Code
Title 26 Health and Human Services
Part 1 Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 559 Day Activity and Health Services Requirements
Subchapter H Individualized Skills and Socialization Provider Requirements
Division 4 Surveys, Investigations, and Enforcement
Rule 559.231 Surveys and Visits
Rule 559.233 Determinations and Actions Pursuant to Surveys
Rule 559.235 Referrals to the Attorney General
Rule 559.237 Procedures for Inspection of Public Records
Rule 559.239 Definitions of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation
Rule 559.241 Reporting Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, Or Incidents to Hhsc
Rule 559.243 Hhsc Complaint Investigation
Rule 559.245 Confidentiality
Rule 559.247 Nonemergency Suspension
Rule 559.249 Revocation
Rule 559.251 Emergency Suspension and Closing Order