Texas Administrative Code
Title 26 Health and Human Services
Part 1 Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 745 Licensing
Subchapter I Non-enforcement Voluntary Actions
Division 4 Voluntary Suspension
Rule 745.5151 for What Reasons May I Request A Voluntary Suspension of My Permit?
Rule 745.5153 How Do I Request A Voluntary Suspension?
Rule 745.5155 What Actions May Licensing Take After Receiving Written Notice That You Are Requesting A Voluntary Suspension?
Rule 745.5157 What Are My Responsibilities During the Voluntary Suspension Period?
Rule 745.5159 What Must Occur Before I May Reopen and Begin Operating at the End of the Voluntary Suspension Period?
Rule 745.5161 What If I Do Not Begin Operating at the End of the Voluntary Suspension Period?