Texas Administrative Code
Title 26 Health and Human Services
Part 1 Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 745 Licensing
Subchapter L Enforcement Actions
Division 2 Voluntary and Corrective Actions
Rule 745.8631 What Types of Voluntary Or Corrective Actions May Licensing Recommend Or Impose?
Rule 745.8633 When May Licensing Recommend A Voluntary Plan of Action?
Rule 745.8635 What Requirements Must I Meet During A Voluntary Plan of Action?
Rule 745.8637 When May Licensing Place My Operation On Probation?
Rule 745.8641 What Requirements Must I Meet During the Probation Period?
Rule 745.8643 What May Licensing Do If My Operation's Compliance with Minimum Standards, Rules, Or Statutes Does Not Improve As A Result of the Voluntary Plan of Action Or Corrective Action Plan?