Texas Administrative Code
Title 26 Health and Human Services
Part 1 Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 745 Licensing
Subchapter L Enforcement Actions
Division 3 Adverse Actions
Rule 745.8649 What Adverse Actions May Licensing Impose?
Rule 745.8650 When May Licensing Deny A Permit?
Rule 745.8651 When May Licensing Impose An Adverse Amendment On My Permit?
Rule 745.8652 When Will Licensing Suspend My Permit?
Rule 745.8653 What Happens When My Suspension Period Ends?
Rule 745.8654 When May Licensing Revoke My Permit?
Rule 745.8655 When May Licensing Refuse to Renew My Permit?
Rule 745.8656 Are There Any Notice Requirements When Licensing Attempts to Take Adverse Action Against My Operation?
Rule 745.8657 Whom May Licensing Inform When Attempting to Deny, Suspend, Revoke, Or Refuse to Renew My Permit?
Rule 745.8659 Will There Be Any Publication of the Denial, Suspension, Revocation, Or Refusal to Renew My Permit?
Rule 745.8661 What Notice Must I Provide Parents When the Denial, Suspension, Or Revocation of My Permit Is Final?