Texas Administrative Code
Title 26 Health and Human Services
Part 1 Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 746 Minimum Standards for Child-care Centers
Subchapter U Indoor and Outdoor Active Play Space and Equipment
Division 4 Use Zones
Rule 746.4801 What Does Licensing Mean by the Term "use Zone"?
Rule 746.4803 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for Stationary Equipment?
Rule 746.4805 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for Slides?
Rule 746.4807 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for To-fro Swings?
Rule 746.4809 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for Tire Swings?
Rule 746.4811 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for Bucket Swings?
Rule 746.4813 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for Rotating Or Rocking Equipment?
Rule 746.4815 Do the Use Zone Requirements Apply to My Child-care Center If It Was Licensed Before September 1, 2003?