Texas Administrative Code
Title 26 Health and Human Services
Part 1 Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 748 Minimum Standards for General Residential Operations
Subchapter P Physical Site
Division 7 Playground Use Zones
Rule 748.3521 What Does the Term "use Zone" Mean?
Rule 748.3523 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for Stationary Equipment?
Rule 748.3525 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for Slides?
Rule 748.3527 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for To-fro Swings?
Rule 748.3529 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for Tire Swings?
Rule 748.3531 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for Bucket Swings?
Rule 748.3533 How Do I Measure the Use Zone for Rotating Or Rocking Equipment Or for Track Rides?