Texas Administrative Code
Title 26 Health and Human Services
Part 1 Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 749 Minimum Standards for Child-placing Agencies
Subchapter A Purpose and Scope
Subchapter B Definitions and Services
Subchapter C Organization and Administration
Subchapter D Reports and Record Keeping
Subchapter E Agency Staff and Caregivers
Subchapter F Training and Professional Development
Subchapter G Children's Rights
Subchapter H Foster Care Services: Admission and Placement
Subchapter I Foster Care Services: Service Planning, Discharge
Subchapter J Foster Care Services: Medical and Dental
Subchapter K Foster Care Services: Daily Care, Problem Management
Subchapter L Foster Care Services: Emergency Behavior Intervention
Subchapter M Foster Homes: Screenings and Verifications
Subchapter N Foster Homes: Management and Evaluation
Subchapter O Foster Homes: Health and Safety Requirements, Environment, Space and Equipment
Subchapter P Foster-adoptive Homes and Legal Risk Placements
Subchapter Q Adoption Services: Children
Subchapter R Adoption Services: Birth Parents
Subchapter S Adoption Services: Adoptive Parents
Subchapter T Additional Requirements for Child-placing Agencies That Provide An Assessment Services Program
Subchapter V Additional Requirements for Child-placing Agencies That Provide Trafficking Victim Services