Texas Administrative Code
Title 30 Environmental Quality
Part 1 Texas Commission On Environmental Quality
Chapter 335 Industrial Solid Waste and Municipal Hazardous Waste
Subchapter E Interim Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, Or Disposal Facilities
Rule 335.111 Purpose, Scope, and Applicability
Rule 335.112 Standards
Rule 335.113 Reporting of Emergency Situations by Emergency Coordinator
Rule 335.115 Additional Reports
Rule 335.116 Applicability of Groundwater Monitoring Requirements
Rule 335.117 Recordkeeping and Reporting
Rule 335.118 Closure Plan; Submission and Approval of Plan
Rule 335.119 Post-closure Plan; Submission and Approval of Plan
Rule 335.120 Containment for Waste Piles
Rule 335.121 General Operating Requirements (land Treatment Facilities)
Rule 335.122 Recordkeeping
Rule 335.123 Closure and Post-closure (land Treatment Facilities)
Rule 335.124 General Operating Requirements (landfills)
Rule 335.125 Special Requirements for Bulk and Containerized Waste
Rule 335.126 Special Requirements for Containers
Rule 335.127 Cost Estimate for Closure
Rule 335.128 Financial Assurance