Texas Administrative Code
Title 31 Natural Resources and Conservation
Part 2 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Chapter 57 Fisheries
Subchapter A Harmful Or Potentially Harmful Fish, Shellfish, and Aquatic Plants
Subchapter B Mussels and Clams
Subchapter C Introduction of Fish, Shellfish and Aquatic Plants
Subchapter D Commercially Protected Finfish
Subchapter E Permits to Possess Or Sell Nongame Fish Taken from Public Fresh Water
Subchapter F Collection of Broodstock from Texas Waters
Subchapter G Marking of Vehicles
Subchapter H Fishery Management Plans
Subchapter I Consistency with Federal Regulations in the Exclusive Economic Zone
Subchapter J Fish Pass Proclamation
Subchapter K Scientific Areas
Subchapter L Aquatic Vegetation Management
Subchapter M Artificial Reefs
Subchapter N Statewide Recreational and Commercial Fishing Proclamation
Subchapter O Coastal Management Areas