Texas Administrative Code
Title 31 Natural Resources and Conservation
Part 2 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Chapter 58 Oysters, Shrimp, and Finfish
Subchapter B Statewide Shrimp Fishery Proclamation
Rule 58.101 Application
Rule 58.102 Definitions
Rule 58.103 Shrimp Management Plan
Rule 58.104 Penalty and Responsibility for Violation
Rule 58.130 Shrimp License Buyback Program
Rule 58.150 Sale, Purchase, and Handling of Shrimp--general Rules
Rule 58.160 Taking Or Attempting to Take Shrimp (shrimping)--general Rules
Rule 58.161 Shrimping in Outside Waters
Rule 58.162 Shrimping in Inside Waters--general Rules
Rule 58.163 Shrimping in Inside Waters--commercial Bay Shrimping
Rule 58.164 Shrimping Inside Waters--commercial Bait Shrimping
Rule 58.165 Non-commercial (recreational) Shrimping
Rule 58.166 Special Provision