Texas Administrative Code
Title 40 Social Services and Assistance
Part 2 Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
Chapter 101 Administrative Rules and Procedures
Subchapter E Appeals and Hearing Procedures
Division 1 General Rules
Rule 101.901 Purpose
Rule 101.903 Legal Authority
Rule 101.905 Definitions
Rule 101.907 Filing A Request for Review
Rule 101.909 Time for Hearing
Rule 101.911 Assignment of Impartial Hearing Officer
Rule 101.913 Powers and Duties of Impartial Hearing Officer
Rule 101.915 Substitution of Impartial Hearing Officer
Rule 101.917 Reasonable Accommodations
Rule 101.919 Appearance of Parties at Hearings; Representation
Rule 101.921 Failure to Attend Hearing and Default
Rule 101.923 Witness Fees
Rule 101.925 Prehearing Conferences
Rule 101.927 Dismissal Without Hearing
Rule 101.929 Conduct of Hearing
Rule 101.931 Order of Proceedings
Rule 101.933 Rules of Evidence
Rule 101.935 Transcription of Proceedings
Rule 101.937 Prepared Testimony
Rule 101.939 Pleadings
Rule 101.941 Continuance
Rule 101.943 Motion for Reconsideration
Rule 101.945 Civil Action
Rule 101.947 Mediation Procedures
Rule 101.949 Computation of Time