Texas Administrative Code
Title 40 Social Services and Assistance
Part 20 Texas Workforce Commission
Chapter 800 General Administration
Subchapter K Contract Negotiation, Mediation, and Other Assisted Negotiation Or Mediation Processes
Rule 800.451 Purpose and Applicability
Rule 800.452 Definitions
Rule 800.453 Contractor Claim
Rule 800.454 Agency Counterclaim
Rule 800.455 Request for Voluntary Disclosure of Additional Information
Rule 800.456 Costs
Rule 800.461 Duty to Negotiate
Rule 800.462 Negotiation Timetable
Rule 800.463 Conduct of Negotiation
Rule 800.471 Mediation
Rule 800.472 Agreement to Mediate
Rule 800.473 Qualifications and Immunity of the Mediator
Rule 800.481 Other Assisted Negotiation and Mediation Processes
Rule 800.482 Methods of Other Assisted Negotiation and Mediation Processes
Rule 800.491 Settlement Agreement and Approval Procedures
Rule 800.492 Request for Contested Case Hearing