Texas Administrative Code
Title 43 Transportation
Part 1 Texas Department of Transportation
Chapter 2 Environmental Review of Transportation Projects
Subchapter H Memorandum of Understanding with the Texas Historical Commission
Rule 2.251 Purpose and Authority
Rule 2.252 Applicability
Rule 2.253 Definitions
Rule 2.254 Coordination Responsibilities
Rule 2.255 Qualifications of Staff and Use of Consultants
Rule 2.256 Projects Excluded from Review for Archeological Sites and Cemeteries
Rule 2.257 Procedures for Project Coordination When the Project Requires Review for Archeological Sites and Cemeteries
Rule 2.258 Background Studies for Archeological Resources and Cemeteries
Rule 2.259 Permits for Archeological Sites and Cemeteries
Rule 2.260 Surveys for Archeological Sites and Cemeteries
Rule 2.261 Archeological Eligibility Testing Phase
Rule 2.262 Archeological Excavation and Data Recovery
Rule 2.263 Exhumation
Rule 2.264 Archeological Sites and Cemeteries Found After Award of Contract
Rule 2.265 Standard Treatments for Particular Resource Types
Rule 2.266 Artifact Recovery and Curation
Rule 2.267 Documentation for Archeological Sites and Cemeteries
Rule 2.268 Quarterly Reports for Archeological Sites and Cemeteries
Rule 2.269 Public Outreach Regarding Archeological Sites and Cemeteries
Rule 2.270 Projects Excluded from Review for Non-archeological Historic Properties
Rule 2.271 Procedures for Project Coordination When the Project Requires Review for Non-archeological Historic Properties
Rule 2.272 Project File
Rule 2.273 Denial of Access
Rule 2.274 Mou to Govern Txdot Procedures
Rule 2.275 Project-specific Agreements
Rule 2.276 Continuous Improvement Agreement
Rule 2.277 Thc Review of Txdot Project Files
Rule 2.278 Dispute Resolution
Rule 2.279 Review of Mou