Texas Administrative Code
Title 7 Banking and Securities
Part 6 Credit Union Department
Chapter 93 Administrative Proceedings
Subchapter B Appeals from Commissioner Decisions, Generally
Rule 93.201 Appeals to the Commission, Appointment of Soah
Rule 93.202 Computation of Time
Rule 93.203 Ex Parte Communications
Rule 93.204 Informal Disposition
Rule 93.205 Notice of Hearing
Rule 93.207 Service of Documents On Parties
Rule 93.208 Delegation of Authority
Rule 93.209 Subpoenas
Rule 93.210 Discovery; Protective Orders; Motions to Compel
Rule 93.211 Administrative Record
Rule 93.212 Proposal for Decision
Rule 93.213 Appearances and Representation
Rule 93.214 Recovery of Department Costs