Texas Administrative Code
Title 7 Banking and Securities
Part 7 State Securities Board
Chapter 139 Exemptions by Rule Or Order
Rule 139.1 Policies
Rule 139.2 Professional Associations
Rule 139.3 Blue Chip Exemption
Rule 139.4 Mexican Securities
Rule 139.5 Canadian Securities
Rule 139.6 Distributions by Liquidating Trustees
Rule 139.7 Sale of Securities to Nonresidents
Rule 139.8 Sales to Underwriters
Rule 139.9 Bank Holding Companies
Rule 139.10 Exchange Offers
Rule 139.11 Transactions in United States Savings Bonds
Rule 139.12 Oil and Gas Auction Exemption
Rule 139.13 Resales Under Sec Rule 144 and Rule 145(d)
Rule 139.14 Non-issuer Sales
Rule 139.15 Credit Enhancements
Rule 139.16 Sales to Individual Accredited Investors
Rule 139.17 Offers Disseminated Through the Internet
Rule 139.18 Dealer and Investment Adviser Use of the Internet to Disseminate Information On Products and Services
Rule 139.19 Accredited Investor Exemption
Rule 139.20 Third Party Brokerage Arrangements On Financial Entity Premises
Rule 139.21 Dealer, Agent, and Securities Exemptions for Canadian Accounts
Rule 139.22 Exemption for Investment Adviser to A High Net Worth Family Entity
Rule 139.23 Registration Exemption for Investment Advisers to Private Funds
Rule 139.24 Charitable Organizations Assisting Economically Disadvantaged Clients with Texas Qualified Tuition Program Plans
Rule 139.26 Intrastate Crowdfunding Exemption for Sec Rule 147a Offerings
Rule 139.27 Mergers and Acquisitions Dealer Exemption